Thanks for the follow-up. Sounds as if there isn't as much of an
opportunity for a close connection as I'd thought.
Best of luck, and congrats. :-)
--- Noel
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For additi
I'd be happier to see it in DB as I think that can help build a strong
community there, but it's up to iBATIS peeps... I think we're going to
regret the large number of islands we're creating.
On Mar 16, 2005, at 5:51 AM, Ted Husted wrote:
The iBATIS team has worked through the incubati
I've not been following the iBatis incubation closely (as they
expressed a preference to not go under DB, and, while I quite like
iBatis, only have so much time) but if they have a range of
sub-projects already, and a sufficient developer community, a TLP makes
sense from my perspective.
I thi
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 22:41:18 -0500, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ted,
> It seems appropriate to graduate, but should iBATIS be a TLP, or go under
> db.apache.org, along with Derby and related Jakarta Commons code that has
> been moving, in your opinion?
> --- Noel
We di
Although we are a database related project, I don't believe we could
join db.apache.org without a significant change to what db.apache.org
db.apache.org has its own PMC, which (AFAIK) has no knowledge of
iBATIS, nor would we want to impose such burden upon them. iBATIS is
a large, g
It seems appropriate to graduate, but should iBATIS be a TLP, or go under
db.apache.org, along with Derby and related Jakarta Commons code that has
been moving, in your opinion?
--- Noel
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My vote is not binding either, but I'm interested in moving this along. :-)
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:24:54 -0800, Roy T. Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +1
> Roy
> -
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Even though my vote is not binding, I think the project is ready to graduate.
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 05:51:26 -0500, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The iBATIS team has worked through the incubation checklist in a open and
> collaborative fashion. The community remains strong, an