I've not been following the iBatis incubation closely (as they expressed a preference to not go under DB, and, while I quite like iBatis, only have so much time) but if they have a range of sub-projects already, and a sufficient developer community, a TLP makes sense from my perspective.

I think this brings up the discussion of a strict hierarchy *not* being the best design for the ASF from a development/communication perspective, even if it is the best fit from a legal responsibility point of view =) That is a topic which has been beaten on a lot though, so I'd prefer to not rehash it again.

Speaking as a DB PMC member, I'd still welcome iBatis under the DB umbrella, and am completely confident the rest of the PMC would as well. The size and scope of the project is at least as large as other TLP's though, and I cannot imagine they'd have trouble keeping themselves in business that way -- especially with the experienced ASF hands who are already involved.

Whatever works best for everyone involved =)


ps: Another Vonnegut fan!

On Mar 29, 2005, at 6:37 AM, Ted Husted wrote:

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 22:41:18 -0500, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 It seems appropriate to graduate, but should iBATIS be a TLP, or go under
 db.apache.org, along with Derby and related Jakarta Commons code that has
 been moving, in your opinion?

         --- Noel

We did discuss it when the application for incubator was made (see message #4003 of 09 Aug 2004), but given that the db project has been revitalized lately, it is worth mentioning again.

The primary issue is scope. Currently, iBATIS has two core products, along with the usual examples and documentation bundles. The core DataMapper is an adapter that transfers data between database statements and objects. The second product is a DAO framework. Both products are available for Java and C#. Counting the example applications and documentation, we have eight product distributions in play now, overseen by six very active PPMC members. Some of us would like to start a PHP5 implementation before long. To keep all the products compatible, we also plan a specification product. That would bring the total number distributions to twelve or more.

As it stands, the iBATIS product line is cohesive since the products share common implementation strategies and will ultimately be implementations of a formal specification. iBATIS is only loosely coupled to the other db.apache.org products. The products all involve database technologies, but they do not share a common codebase or coding paradigm, or, AFAIK, development community.  

IMHO, merging the iBATIS PPMC with the db PMC would tend to create a granfaloon [http://www.kcoyle.net/granfalloons.html] :) rather than a karass. :)


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