Oh - and in case any potential mentors lurking out there would like to
know what ManifoldCF really does, and where it fits in in the broader
picture, you can look at the first chapter of ManifoldCF in Action for
free here: http://www.manning.com/wright/ . This describes the
problem space pretty we
Thanks for the information. I can offer one pot of gold (at end of
rainbow, of course), but that's all I've got. ;-)
Seriously, if anyone is interested in mentoring ManifoldCF, please let
me know. If I have a name or two I'll throw it open for discussion on
the connectors-private list.
On Mon, 09 May 2011 05:19 -0400, "Karl Wright"
> We effectively have only one active mentor. There were others, of
> course, when the project entered incubation, but they have not stepped
> up to date in any capacity. And Grant, as you probably know, has
> bazillions of other responsibi