Thanks for the information.  I can offer one pot of gold (at end of
rainbow, of course), but that's all I've got. ;-)
Seriously, if anyone is interested in mentoring ManifoldCF, please let
me know.  If I have a name or two I'll throw it open for discussion on
the connectors-private list.


On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Upayavira <> wrote:
> On Mon, 09 May 2011 05:19 -0400, "Karl Wright" <>
> wrote:
>> We effectively have only one active mentor.  There were others, of
>> course, when the project entered incubation, but they have not stepped
>> up to date in any capacity.  And Grant, as you probably know, has
>> bazillions of other responsibilities.  It may be worth trying to find
>> new mentors to join ManifoldCF, since this is probably limiting our
>> chances of graduation at this point.  Does this ever happen (that
>> anyone is aware of)?
> The process for finding new mentors is much the same as it was when
> entering the incubator. Ask for volunteers, ask possible candidates,
> offer large sums of money (oh, no, we're not supposed to do that...).
> Assuming a possible mentor is a member of the Incubator PMC, then their
> becoming a mentor for your project is as simple as informing the
> Incubator PMC and updating the status page.
> Upayavira
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