I personally think it is important to also get an idea of other
podlings and their "problems"/"issues" or questions. That puts a more
*human* touch to all these podlings.
Like "look they asked that, so why can't we ask this"
I'd like to see something like this as a mandatory thing for eac
Craig L Russell wrote:
I think it makes sense to automatically subscribe new committers in
incubation projects to the general mailing list. They can unsubscribe
if they are uninterested. This task might be one of the items done by
the initial setup by the PPMC.
Out of curiosity, abou
On Nov 15, 2006, at 11:01 PM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
since all committers at Apache are on the committers email list, all
pmcs on pmc list,... , why not adding all committers on an incubation
project to the general @ incubator list ?
Would make sense to me, since most of those committ
On 11/15/06, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
since all committers at Apache are on the committers email list, all
pmcs on pmc list,... , why not adding all committers on an incubation
project to the general @ incubator list ?
Would make sense to me, since most of those commit
since all committers at Apache are on the committers email list, all
pmcs on pmc list,... , why not adding all committers on an incubation
project to the general @ incubator list ?
Would make sense to me, since most of those committers are completely
new to the ASF,
and time by time here are