Re: [vote] Apache Etch 1.0.2-incubating (second attempt)

2009-04-09 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
ok, we've got three +1 votes: Niclas Hedhman Ant Elder Kevan Miller All are incubator pmc members (by jim's list), all binding. scott out - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional comm

Re: Starting a new incubation

2009-03-19 Thread Scott Comer (sccomer)
Have you looked at apache etch? -Original Message- From: Siegfried Goeschl [] Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 05:09 AM Pacific Standard Time To: Subject:Re: Starting a new incubation Hi Alexander, could you p

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Etch 1.0.2-incubating

2009-03-06 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
+1 disclaimer verified. James Dixson wrote: I have updated the packages with a DISCLAIMER.txt file. The previous candidates have been removed and replaces with new files: The candidate files can be found here: Each file has a M

Re: Continuous Build environment?

2008-12-09 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
corresponding environment set up. I'm following that up again now. - Brett On 04/12/2008, at 7:06 AM, scott comer (sccomer) wrote: ok, i've asked rene to take this over and move with it. etch people would need access to continuum or hudson. is there a short answer to what's the diff

Re: Continuous Build environment?

2008-12-03 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
ok, i've asked rene to take this over and move with it. etch people would need access to continuum or hudson. is there a short answer to what's the diff between the two? our needs are modest. we have an ant based build and a few external dependences. windows is our current build environment as

Re: Continuous Build environment?

2008-10-14 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
one of the issues is, we want to have signed builds (both java and csharp). that means build certificates safely managed, or else we have to make delay signed artifacts and then download them and sign them here. how are other people handling this issue? scott out Niklas Gustavsson wrote: On 1


2008-08-07 Thread Scott Comer (sccomer)
Hey, I was apple's rep to the omg for awhile and a member of the persistent comittee. As the etch architect, that experience has informed my every move. Keep it simple, make it fast. Scott out >From the monterey bay aquarium -Original Message- From: Craig L Russell [mailto:[EMAIL


2008-08-07 Thread Scott Comer (sccomer)
Doug is a wise man and that is how we picked the name etch 18 month ago. Scott out -Original Message- From: Otis Gospodnetic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 12:12 PM Pacific Standard Time To: Subject:Re: [PROPOSA


2008-08-01 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
we might have overdone the committer list here a bit so nobody who made a significant contribution felt left out. :-) (in addition to what james dixson has reported about himself) for the last two months, the main contributors to the compiler and the java and csharp bindings (the core) have be


2008-08-01 Thread scott comer (sccomer)
thrift had a number of issues as we considered it more than a year ago. we thought, well, we could fix these issues, but as they'd require interface changes then we'd be breaking someone else's code and the fixes would be substantial and then we'd have to negotiate each and every one of them, b