hi brett, what is needed, exactly? how can we help?

most of the software to run the continuous build environment is open source. a windows xp pro or win2k3 server license. a rackmount server of some sort. what else?

(the part of our build that requires visual studio is optionalish; the c# code requires only the .net sdk, *i think*.)

scott out

Brett Porter wrote:
Either sounds like it can do what you want, I suggest taking a look at them, or if you have a specific question about something you need let us know.

The limitation remains the lack of a Windows machine and corresponding environment set up. I'm following that up again now.

- Brett

On 04/12/2008, at 7:06 AM, scott comer (sccomer) wrote:

ok, i've asked rene to take this over and move with it. etch people would need access to continuum or hudson. is there a short answer to what's the diff between the two?

our needs are modest. we have an ant based build and a few external dependences. windows is our current build environment as we need .net and .net sdk resources, visual studio bits, as well as specific versions of ant, ant.net, jdk, nunit, junit, velocity,
and clover.

my goal would be to begin working on this in a 1-2 weeks time frame, and have the builds going asap for 1.0.2 integration and testing. i can make do with our internal build for now, so it isn't a crisis, but i would like this process to become more transparent.

is possible / practical?

scott out

Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:00 AM, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As others mentioned just drop a request into the INFRA JIRA, and
whether you want to use Continuum or Hudson.

Continuum currently runs on Linux - I'm currently investigating
setting up a Windows server for the same. Hudson runs on Solaris but
I'm sure it could farm builds out to either of those as well if that
was set up.

Thanks. We will discuss that further and get back when we are getting there.


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