The latest version of Apache's maven-parent explicitly excludes it from the
RAT check. [0] I see other projects have the same file e,g,. [1]. See also
the linked issues from the Apache pom [2].
I think that file's presence may be WAI?
Hi Justin,
Thanks for excellent detailed analysis, as usual!
1) Hmm! I do see a file called `DEPENDENCIES` in the source release [0],
but it is not checked in [1]. It must be introduced somehow by `mvn
release-plugin`, following our release process [2].
To clear up some possible confusion: We
I am happy to announce that the Incubator PMC has approved version
0.2.0-incubating-RC2 of Apache Beam for release as version 0.2.0-incubating.
There have been 6 binding approval votes from the IPMC:
* Jean-Baptiste Onofré
* John D. Ament
* Justin Mclean
* P. Taylor Goetz
* Seetharam Venkatesh
ache Beam, version 0.2.0-incubating
> >
> > +1 (binding)
> >
> > - built from source
> > - “incubating” in file name
> > - NOTICE and LICENSE look good
> > - license headers present
> > - no wayward binaries
> > - signatures check out
> >
> > -T
checked: signatures and digests, source releases file layouts,
> matched git tags and commit ids, incubator suffix and disclaimer, NOTICE
> and LICENSE files, license headers, build sources in a clean environment
> (Maven 3.3.9, OpenJDK 1.8.0_91 64-Bit, Debian amd64).
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2
Thanks very much Justin for your attention to detail! I've filed BEAM-510,
BEAM-513, BEAM-514, BEAM-515 for the website issues you pointed out below,
and I've sent PRs for 510 & 513.
Though it may be obvious, I'll remind everyone that these proposed changes
to the incubator-beam-site repository do