Dear all,
Thanks for your support! The 72 hours have passed and we have 9
positive votes, of which 3 are binding and 6 are non-binding. We now have
the required number of positive binding votes and will therefore proceed
with the release.
Binding Votes:
+1 Ant Elder
+1 Florian Mueller
ruar 2014 23:06
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release of Apache Olingo 1.1.0 incubating (RC03)
On 2/4/14 6:39 AM, Amend, Christian wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> thanks for your feedback :)
> The parent zip file is a pure source distribution. The README contain
nds on my system
and none produced anything even similar. I suggest naming them *.sha1 or
*.sha512 for example.
On 1/31/14 9:18 AM, Amend, Christian wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is a call for a vote on Apache Olingo 1.1.0 incubating. This is our 3rd
> try
> of our 2nd release.
Dear all,
This is a call for a vote on Apache Olingo 1.1.0 incubating. This is our 3rd try
of our 2nd release. We have resolved all issues which were discussed since our
1st release candidate.
Apache Olingo is a library implementing OData V2 protocol specification.
A vote was held on the Olingo