Hello all,
Tuweni has been incubating since 2019-03-25.
Since 2022, activity has been low, and the chances of attracting new
committers and building a vibrant community seem very slim at this
The community discussion and vote can be found here[1],[2].
I therefore propose to retire Tuweni
+1 (non-binding)
I checked
- signature and checksum of source artifacts are good
- artifacts' name contains "incubating"
- no unexpected binary files inside source artifacts
- building succeeded from source on Ubuntu 20.04 with OpenJDK 8
command: build/mvn clean package -Dsk
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the email issue that
resulted in the sending of three email duplicates. Please disregard the
previous email duplicates and consider the latest one as the valid email. I
would like to emphasize that the vote email is still valid. Thank you for
Hello everyone,
The Apache Devlake(incubating) 0.17.0-incubating has been released!
Apache DevLake is an open-source dev data platform that ingests, analyzes,
and visualizes the fragmented data from DevOps tools to distill insights
for engineering productivity.
Download Links: https://downlo
Hello everyone,
I am pleased to announce that the vote for Apache DevLake(Incubating)
v0.17.0-rc2 has now concluded. Thank you all for your review and
participation in the voting process.
The release voting has passed with 3 binding votes, 1 non-binding vote and
no +0 or -1 votes.
The individual