Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce that the vote for Apache DevLake(Incubating) v0.17.0-rc2 has now concluded. Thank you all for your review and participation in the voting process.
The release voting has passed with 3 binding votes, 1 non-binding vote and no +0 or -1 votes. The individuals who provided binding votes are: - PJ Fanning - Willem Jiang - Gang Li The non-binding vote is from: - Kent Yao You can find the voting thread at the following link: https://lists.apache.org/thread/crs5rpwmgy9xq08f29q13xg2lz4d07o6 In closing, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has offered us help, advice, and guidance throughout this process. We will proceed with completing the remaining tasks. Thank you all once again! Best Regards Zikuan An