The vote carries. Thank you
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 9:35 AM Wes McKinney wrote:
> Apache Arrow is receiving a donation of a Ruby library to provide an
> Arrow-based interface to Apache Parquet files [1].
> Please vote to approve this contribution.
> This is a lazy consensus majority vote, p
Thanks for your response it clears up a few things, but I’m still concerned
about community growth and in particular how merit is recognised and still
think, despite good progress being made, that it may be a little too early for
SkyWalking to leave the incubator.
> Well spotted.
> DongXue
> Although a mistake was also made in not first voting this person in as a
> committer.
Correction. A previous vote had occurred for committer role, as I wrote below
> Haoyang Liu was voted on to be a committer, and then later to PPMC.
>> - A search of the private list show only one PPMC added past the initial
>> commuter list and they were added without NOTICE being sent (and only
>> corrected when I pointed it out).
> Yes, that is correct. The community decided to accept him. But number of
> contributors grows well, fro
Justin, answers inline…
> I think that perhaps that SkyWalking may need to stay a little longer in
> the incubator as:
> - There still doesn’t seem to be a lot of discussion on the development
> list.
> - The initial PMC list doesn’t include all fo the current PPMC and
> committers on the ros
> Who is not in the initial list?
First off all initial committers are usually PPMC members and that is not the
case here. There were 10 initial committers, the roster has 4 mentors, 5 PPMC
members and 6 committers (15 total), but the graduation proposal only mentions
9 people including t
On 30/10/2018 05.19, Sheng Wu wrote:
Hi Justin
- The podling roster lists both PPMC and committers [1], including people not
on the initial list [2], but I??m unable to find any discussion or votes to why
they were added.
I only see one person not on the initial list, and I found the vo
Hi Justin
> - The podling roster lists both PPMC and committers [1], including people not
> on the initial list [2], but I??m unable to find any discussion or votes to
> why they were added.
Who is not in the initial list? They all are. Except Ignasi is our new mentors
in incubating stage. And
Also I curious given that the number of new contributors was brought up in etc
graduation discussion [1] why haven’t more of these people been made committers?
Hi Justin
From my personal perspective, I have some answers from the status I known.
> - There still doesn??t seem to be a lot of discussion on the development list.
SkyWalking discussion shows up in GitHub issues according to our
developers/contributors habits. They are tagged as question, bu
I think that perhaps that SkyWalking may need to stay a little longer in the
incubator as:
- There still doesn’t seem to be a lot of discussion on the development list.
- The initial PMC list doesn’t include all fo the current PPMC and committers
on the roster (and I cannot see any discussio
I am excited about SkyWalking is heading to graduation. Honored to be a part of
Sheng Wu
Apache SkyWalking
-- Original --
From: "mck";
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2018 03:21 PM
To: "general";"dev";
Subject: [DISCUSS] Graduate Apache Sk
Glad to see SkyWalking graduate soon. A good project and wonderful
Good luck!
-John (Zhang Liang)
Bertrand Delacretaz 于2018年10月30日周二 下午4:27写道:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 8:21 AM Mick Semb Wever wrote:
> > ...RESOLVED, that the initial Apache SkyWalking PMC be and her
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 8:21 AM Mick Semb Wever wrote:
> ...RESOLVED, that the initial Apache SkyWalking PMC be and hereby is tasked
> with the creation of a set of bylaws...
You should remove this paragraph - this needs to be clarified and
better documented but the current consensus is that
Great News. Happy to see SkyWalking getting graduated.
On Tue 30 Oct, 2018, 14:21 Mick Semb Wever After discussion in the podling's community on the dev ML
> and on a
Great to see SkyWalking reach this stage. A good example for others!
Good luck for the graduation and will be watching!
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 4:21 PM Mick Semb Wever wrote:
> After discussion in the podling's community on the dev ML
After discussion in the podling's community on the dev ML
and on a github ticket
culminating with a positive v
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