On 30/10/2018 05.19, ???? Sheng Wu wrote:
Hi Justin
- The podling roster lists both PPMC and committers [1], including people not
on the initial list [2], but I??m unable to find any discussion or votes to why
they were added.
I only see one person not on the initial list, and I found the vote for
them, I think that's fine.
I am curious and a tad concerned about community growth in the project;
you list that you have developers from 13 different companies, yet there
are not that many committers/PPMC members in total, so why bring up the
list of affiliations here? And why have you only voted in one new person
(that I can find) as a committer/PPMC?
One of the main reasons we ask for diversity is because it matters in
the decision making process, so if you're going to bring up this as a
positive, I'd very much like to see it being actualized in form of more
committers/PPMC members, before the project considers graduation. Having
seemingly only invited one new person does not speak towards a diverse
governance and inclusion. That is not to say it's impermissible as a
TLP, but it is something that you should work on and demonstrate being
adept at as a TLP, and thus as a podling seeking graduation as well.
I would love to see Skywalking hold off their graduation a little, and
working towards demonstrating proper community growth where it matters.
As for many of the other required aspects, I think you're mostly there :)
With regards,
Who is not in the initial list? They all are. Except Ignasi is our new mentors
in incubating stage. And discussion happened. Do you mean him? We didn't add
anyone without voting.
Sheng Wu
Apache SkyWalking
From Wu Sheng 's phone.
------------------ Original ------------------
From: ???? Sheng Wu <wu.sh...@foxmail.com>
Date: Tue,Oct 30,2018 6:06 PM
To: general <general@incubator.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate Apache SkyWalking (incubating) as a TLP
Hi Justin
From my personal perspective, I have some answers from the status I known.
- There still doesn??t seem to be a lot of discussion on the development list.
SkyWalking discussion shows up in GitHub issues according to our
developers/contributors habits. They are tagged as question, bug, enhancement
etc. based on the content. As we mentioned, 240+ Issues tagged as question[4]
in GitHub created, 236 resolved.
- The initial PMC list doesn??t include all fo the current PPMC and committers
on the roster (and I cannot see any discussion about this).
This has been proposed in discussion[1] ml, specific this one[2]
- A search of the private list show only one PPMC added past the initial
commuter list and they were added without NOTICE being sent (and only corrected
when I pointed it out).
Yes, that is correct. The community decided to accept him. But number of
contributors grows well, from less than 20 to near 70 just in main repo.
- The podling roster lists both PPMC and committers [1], including people not
on the initial list [2], but I??m unable to find any discussion or votes to why
they were added.
That is because SkyWalking has the community, and its PMC and committer teams
before join the incubator[3]. We keep that as same as before, in order to avoid
more concerns.
- Has a software grant been received or IP clearance happened?
The SGA is not required from my understanding. This project is my personal
project, and then belong to OpenSkywalking org which is just a virtual org in
[3] https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/Organization#organization-members
Sheng Wu
Apache SkyWalking
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "justin"<jus...@classsoftware.com>;
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2018 05:41 PM
To: "general"<general@incubator.apache.org>;
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate Apache SkyWalking (incubating) as a TLP
I think that perhaps that SkyWalking may need to stay a little longer in the
incubator as:
- There still doesn??t seem to be a lot of discussion on the development list.
- The initial PMC list doesn??t include all fo the current PPMC and committers
on the roster (and I cannot see any discussion about this).
- A search of the private list show only one PPMC added past the initial
commuter list and they were added without NOTICE being sent (and only corrected
when I pointed it out).
- The podling roster lists both PPMC and committers [1], including people not
on the initial list [2], but I??m unable to find any discussion or votes to why
they were added.
- Has a software grant been received or IP clearance happened?
Now I could be mistaken in the above, not searched deeply enough or there??s a
perfectly good reason for why this may be so.
I would be interested to hear what the mentors of the project have to say on
this and if they think the project is ready to graduate given the above.
1. https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/ppmc/skywalking
2. https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/SkyWalkingProposal
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