Shipping the CC licensed binary files in Apache binary kit is OK, if they
are just for testing we don't need bundle them.
Reducing the License file is not the blocking issue, we can fix it in next
Please create issues to track these questions.
It's hard for us to verify the bundled artif
Given there's an asfinfra user there, it seems official. I doubt the infra
team would be involved otherwise :)
Maybe they have instructions on how to interact with the account?
On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 5:27 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was pointed at
+1 to flagging mentor absence; and I like making it automated otherwise
it's not going to happen (or rather, it'll be up to a podling to flag it
and they're unlikely to feel comfortable doing so).
Justin's two metrics are interesting to me as I (kinda) don't view either
of those as mentor responsi
Hi, Willem
for question 1
They are for testing only. Should be removed
for question 2
We can reduce the same Apache license files.
We will fix these two in next release. Is that Ok?
Thanks for helps.
Hongtao Gao
From: "Willem Jiang"
Date: Mon, Apr 2, 2018 06:19 AM
> I reckon I'm a bit confused as well now as I'm not sure what is the correct
> fix to apply….
In your case it quite simple see [1] Nothing needs to be added to NOTICE for
MIT or BSD licensed software. You just need to remove the lines and copyright
notices that refer to any software licen
In general just because a TLP does something doesn’t mean it’s in line with
policy or may have historic reasons for it being that way.
> Apache Hadoop:
> Apache Spark:
Have been discuss
Here are the link about the apache-resource-bundles[1] that you may use as
Willem Jiang
Blog: (English) (Chinese)
Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem
On Mon, Ap
Hi Daisy,
As the NOTICE file content is related to License.
Current we need to go through the License and NOTICE file one by one.
But with the help of maven remote resources plugin[1] that we use, it's
easy for us to setup the License and update the NOTICE file by looking up
I reckon I'm a bit confused as well now as I'm not sure what is the correct
fix to apply
Is there any of the folks who voted -1 to propose some fixes?
via pull request or a patch? the git repo is available here:
This will definitely helps a lot as eve
Although the vote is over and successful, at this point I think I will just
update the NOTICE file and bring in another RC for vote.
However, I am puzzled that this improvement (not blocker) is attracting -1
votes. I would have expected +1 or 0 with improvement suggestion,
specifically because I s
Clutch is available at :
See Mentors project section for a list of podlings and its mentors.
On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 1:26 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2018, at 1:15 PM, Shane Curcuru wrote:
> Jim Jagielski wrote on 4/1/18 10:19 AM:
> Would it be p
I checked the source code and nexus repo release, they are good.
I can build the binary from the source.
But when I go through the License files I have some question want to ask
1. There are some CC Licensed file in the binary release License file.
spdx-exceptions 2.1.0
spdx-license-ids 3.0
It's hard to come up with a single simple sentence that applies in all cases.
So when I said "if something is bundled then it's license and copyright needs
to be in LICENSE not NOTICE.” I’m wrong as it's not going to all cover all
For bundling Apache licensed (v2) bits of software t
> On Apr 1, 2018, at 1:15 PM, Shane Curcuru wrote:
> Jim Jagielski wrote on 4/1/18 10:19 AM:
>> Would it be possible to generate a short list of all current
>> mentors for all current podlings to see how many podlings
>> each mentor is signed up for? That would be a good metric
>> to know.
Jim Jagielski wrote on 4/1/18 10:19 AM:
> Would it be possible to generate a short list of all current
> mentors for all current podlings to see how many podlings
> each mentor is signed up for? That would be a good metric
> to know.
Presuming podlings.xml is kept updated:
> On Apr 1, 2018, at 10:48 AM, sebb wrote:
> I don't think that is true; I think bundled bits can affect the NOTICE
> file (albeit perhaps rarely).
That is my position as well, fwiw.
On 1 April 2018 at 15:29, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> On Apr 1, 2018, at 9:35 AM, sebb wrote:
>> If bundled bits never affect the NOTICE file, why is there a concern
>> about minimising the NOTICE contents?
> Let's consider the "touch points" between what we release and
> the downstrea
> On Apr 1, 2018, at 9:35 AM, sebb wrote:
> If bundled bits never affect the NOTICE file, why is there a concern
> about minimising the NOTICE contents?
Let's consider the "touch points" between what we release and
the downstream user and consumer eco-system. For these
entities, the 3
Hi Sebb
Even more, I and SkyWalking community welcome you to help us, your English and
English document experiences are much better. So if you have time, please
consider to send a pull request to help us organize the documents better. We
also can chat more at there.
Thanks a lot.
Would it be possible to generate a short list of all current
mentors for all current podlings to see how many podlings
each mentor is signed up for? That would be a good metric
to know.
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I am also going to vote -1 for the same reason. It seems to me that
simply fixing this issue is all that's required for a successful RC3 and GA.
> On Mar 31, 2018, at 7:08 PM, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
> -1 binding as NOTICE should not contain copyrights of bundled 3rd party
> software. T
Hi Sebb.
I also want to make this more clear, since several people asked before. But the
tag/release pages from GitHub, have no place to write build notice. Do you have
any suggestion?
And for using git submodules, there are several requirements, we didn't use
that from beginning.
1. SkyWalk
On 1 April 2018 at 14:15, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
>> I have not looked at the NOTICE file.
> Perhaps your should as my statements was in context to that.
>> "if something is bundled then it's license and copyright needs to be
>> in LICENSE not NOTICE."
>> As noted above, I don't think
Agreed that the Zip/Clone URLs on the GitHub page are not a canonical source.
However it's not at all obvious that using these links will not
actually create a copy of the full source, as I found out.
If it is not possible to update GitHub settings so that the Zip is
complete, then it would be us
Maybe the source codes tar in github is not pass through this voting process.
Yongsheng Peng
Apache SkyWalking PPMC member
> 在 2018年4月1日,21:18,吴晟 Sheng Wu 写道:
> Hi Sebb
>> Also, when GitHub is used to grab the code as a Zip, it does not
>> include the submodules.
>> Maybe th
Hi Sebb
> Also, when GitHub is used to grab the code as a Zip, it does not
> include the submodules.
> Maybe there is a setting that can tell GitHub to adjust the Zip
> contents as well.
Actually I don't know the way to do so. Even there is, Apache may more prefer
to use their own source codes
> I have not looked at the NOTICE file.
Perhaps your should as my statements was in context to that.
> "if something is bundled then it's license and copyright needs to be
> As noted above, I don't think that is true.
For what licenses do you think this is not t
On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 9:12 AM sebb wrote:
> On 1 April 2018 at 14:03, John D. Ament wrote:
> > From reading through this, I think I understand the confusion faced.
> >
> > Typically when we see a source release, its tied to a single git repo.
> > Generating the source release in this case invol
Hi John
> Sheng, do you know if this checkout is documented somewhere?
That checkout command should work form your log and my experience. We provided
a different document :
. The result
On 1 April 2018 at 14:03, John D. Ament wrote:
> From reading through this, I think I understand the confusion faced.
> Typically when we see a source release, its tied to a single git repo.
> Generating the source release in this case involves a special type of git
> checkout, which IMHO is jus
>From reading through this, I think I understand the confusion faced.
Typically when we see a source release, its tied to a single git repo.
Generating the source release in this case involves a special type of git
checkout, which IMHO is just fine.
It just needs to be documented that when you cl
On 1 April 2018 at 13:28, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
>> non-bundled Dependencies are irrelevant to the contents of NOTICE and
> Yep 100% agree.
>> Though of course the license does affect whether it is allowed to be a
>> dependency.
> Also agree.
>> NOTICE and LICENSE are on
On 1 April 2018 at 01:43, 吴晟 Sheng Wu wrote:
> Hi sebb,
> I see your point, that is why we provide the build document[1] if you want to
> build from GitHub tag. Git submodules are used in our project for binding
> multi repos. The source codes tar is provided by running some source code
> r
> non-bundled Dependencies are irrelevant to the contents of NOTICE and LICENSE.
Yep 100% agree.
> Though of course the license does affect whether it is allowed to be a
> dependency.
Also agree.
> NOTICE and LICENSE are only for bits that are bundled in the release artifact.
Yep 100% in
Hi all,
I was pointed at Is that an "official"
bintray account for apache? Are projects publishing convenience
artifacts on bintray supposed to use that?
bye Jochen
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On 1 April 2018 at 09:21, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
>> Can you elaborate a bit ? I checked the NOTICE file and it looks good to me.
>> It mentions the included dependencies like bootstrap.
> Dependancies should not be mentioned in NOTICE. if something is bundled then
> it's license and copy
Agree, Justin's -1 really helps and pushes SkyWalking to do right things in
Thanks a lot, even we delayed our release two times (2 weeks)
:) Thanks Justin.
Sheng Wu
From: "Willem Jiang"
Date: Sun, Apr 1, 2018 16:17 PM
To: "general";
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Absent m
Hi all,
The vote for releasing Apache Gobblin 0.12.0 (incubating) is now closed.
With a total of 4 +1 binding votes and one -1 vote, the vote passes.
+1 votes:
* Olivier Lamy
* Matt Sicker
* Jean-Baptiste Onofré
* Romain Manni-Bucau
-1 vote:
* Justin Mclean
Thank you everyone for taking the ti
Thanks everyone for the feedback.
Summarizing the thread: proposed changes to the NOTICE file is an
improvement and thus we will consider it in the next release.
At the moment, I will close the vote since we have run out of time and have
the necessary votes.
Thanks again,
On Sun, Apr 1,
+1, not a blocker since it is more on nice to have helpers than needed
tools IMHO and legally it looks ok and it builds properly
Le 1 avr. 2018 10:42, "Olivier Lamy" a écrit :
> Well not a big drama, we can fix that with the next release.
> ATM 2 mentors have voted +1: Jean-Baptiste and myself.
Well not a big drama, we can fix that with the next release.
ATM 2 mentors have voted +1: Jean-Baptiste and myself.
1 * IPMC with Matt.
On Sun, 1 Apr 2018 at 18:36, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
> PS by my count you only need one more +1 vote and only one of your project
> mentors have voted.
Thanks for the update. It makes sense.
Let's see what the other IPMC will say. Definitely something to fix for next
release at least.
Le 1 avr. 2018 à 10:25, à 10:25, Justin Mclean a
>> Yes but as said we can fix in next release cycle. It's more an
>improvement than a
PS by my count you only need one more +1 vote and only one of your project
mentors have voted.
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> Yes but as said we can fix in next release cycle. It's more an improvement
> than a blocker IMHO.
IMO it still warrants a -1, but that is not a veto or a blocker. Other IPMC
members and the project mentors are free to vote however they want. If you get
3 +1 votes and more +1’s than -1’s
> Can you elaborate a bit ? I checked the NOTICE file and it looks good to me.
> It mentions the included dependencies like bootstrap.
Dependancies should not be mentioned in NOTICE. if something is bundled then
it's license and copyright needs to be in LICENSE not NOTICE.
> Can you please explain what is the legal problem with such content?
It’s not a legal probably as such but an ASF policy one. The NOTICE need to be
keep as small as possible as it has an affect on downstream projects.
> TBH I can see so many similar content in a lot of TLP projects.
Yeah, it's easy to vote +1, but vote -1 take lots of time to go through the
To be honestly, I learned a lot of License and Notice stuff thing from
Justin's -1 vote, I really appreciate that.
Willem Jiang
Blog: (English) (Chin
Yes but as said we can fix in next release cycle. It's more an improvement than
a blocker IMHO.
Le 1 avr. 2018 à 10:10, à 10:10, Willem Jiang a écrit:
>Hi Olivier
>NOTICE file is not supposed to include the copyright unless the License
>As the MIT License already has the
Hi Olivier
NOTICE file is not supposed to include the copyright unless the License
As the MIT License already has the copyright statement, we don't need to
specify it in the NOTCE file.
I just copy the Justin's comments from the lega issue discussion[1] , it
can explain lots of thing.
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