On 1 April 2018 at 15:29, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 1, 2018, at 9:35 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If bundled bits never affect the NOTICE file, why is there a concern
>> about minimising the NOTICE contents?
> Let's consider the "touch points" between what we release and
> the downstream user and consumer eco-system. For these
> entities, the 3 "main" files that affect what they can do, as well
> as information that is of primary importance that determines
> their responsibilities are the README, LICENSE and NOTICE
> files:
>   o README: because it is the main communication channel between
>     the project and downstream
>   o LICENSE: because it provides the distribution requirements
>     and conditions
>   o NOTICE: because it provides the addition information that
>     is required to be maintained and "transparent" for the
>     downstream
> In many ways, NOTICE is extra data that must be included
> for all subsequent downstream and distros and, therefore,
> should include only what MUST be folded into the file. That's
> why it is defined as such ("... and nothing more"). We want
> to minimize extraneous work and efforts required for downstreams
> in order to make the use and consumption of Apache code and
> projects as easy as possible. A bloated NOTICE with lots
> of duplicate information unnecessarily adds addition workload
> and, esp, oversight.

Agreed, but I think you may have misunderstood why I wrote:

>> If bundled bits never affect the NOTICE file, why is there a concern
>> about minimising the NOTICE contents?

To my mind, your reply addresses the latter part of the sentence only.

My point was that NOTICE files need to be minimised because otherwise
bundled bits can cause it to become bloated.
i.e. bundled bits *can* affect the NOTICE file.
If bundled bits did not affect the NOTICE file then the file would not
contain anything more than the bare minimum.

I read Justin's statement to imply that bundled bits do not affect the
NOTICE file.
I don't think that is true; I think bundled bits can affect the NOTICE
file (albeit perhaps rarely).

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