Hi Schmidt,
I would like to actively participate on this project.
I am new to this forum..Just wondering how can I start
contributing to it. would you please throw some
thanks a bunch,
--- Cliff Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cliff Schmidt wrote on Monday, May 17, 2004 7:30
Vote thread:
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
In support:
Noel J. Bergman
David Blevins
Jeremy Boynes
Alan D. Cabrera
Roy T. Fielding
David Jencks
Jacek Laskowski
Berin Lautenbach
Geir Magnusson Jr
Stephen McConnell
Cliff Sch
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 10:57:39PM -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> The Geronimo project has been in Incubation for almost 10 months. In
> those 10 months, the Geronimo project has developed a community,
> developed a new codebase in an open and collaborative fashion,
> weathered proble