Cool, happy hacking
Thank you very much!
Apparently, it's best to communicate&contribute here with one's real name.
So, here it is: Franck Louarn.
I'm trying to update my e-mail accounts so that I'm no longer identified
here as Franck Z. If I fail, I
I don't dare to ask here, given
that I'm not as an accomplished programmer as any one of you is.
I hope you'll indulge me if I here introduce myself to you, although I
surely wouldn't meet GSOC's application criteria.
My name is Franck (Z is not my last name initial, I
- Original Message -
From: "Franck Z"
To: "Mike Du"
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: GFortran download - failure
The Cygwin package has gFortran apparently. It is designed to work
directly under Windows.
o try to make available some simple
datum, like a "Hello, world!" string for instance, to all the make and gcc
processes launched in a make session with mmap().
Best regards,
Franck Z
I'm more relying on a hunch right now, than on a sound analysis. Maybe I'm
I have to take a closer look at how ccache proceeds to speed up compilation
and precisely at how gcc internally uses I/O functions, to be more
articulate on the subject.
Maybe I could slowly and publicly form
In your opinion, could it be of any use in the project if I tried to merge
ccache into gcc, so as to assess this "intelligent agent" approach ?
I can't really tell if, as for an underlying object-oriented structure that
is already present for serialization technique in gcc's source code, despit
Thank you very much!
ccache really looks like it will address my problem. I'm trying it. I'm also
quite relieved not to have to dig into the source of "make". It looked
Thanks also for the information about gcc-in-cxx. It puzzled me not to
understand why it didn't show "class" struct
-> What do you think of this approach ? (from what I've understood of the
gcc source code, it's not in gcc's philosophy yet - but I may be wrong, I'm
a junior developper)
-> Do you think the book I refer to is a good start ?
Many thanks to every one.
Franck Z.