[Freesurfer] From SUMA Dset file to Freesurfer file( overlay an gii file on fsaverage brain)

2015-03-18 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Dear Freesurfer experts, If you are not skilled in SUMA, you can directly skip to part 2. I have a trouble when I converted a SUMA dset file to Freesurfer file which can be overlayed on Freesurfer's fsaveraage brain. Part 1: converting SUAM dset file to Freesurfer gii file I followed the in

[Freesurfer] Clusterwise Correction for Multiple Comparisons

2014-06-10 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Hi, Doug and all, I have two quesiotns about clusterwise correction for multiple comparsion. I run 2 corrections,and commands are as follows: a. mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir g2v0.weight --cache 1.3 abs --cwpvalthresh .05 --2spaces b. mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir g2v0.weight --cache 1.3 pos --cwpvalthresh .

[Freesurfer] Questions about cluster-wise correction

2014-06-15 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Hi, all, I have two quesiotns about clusterwise correction for multiple comparsion. I run 2 corrections for one same result,and commands are as follows: a. mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir g2v0.weight --cache 2.0 abs --cwpvalthresh .05 --2spaces b. mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir g2v0.weight --cache 2.0 pos --cw

[Freesurfer] fsaverage cortex thickness

2014-08-11 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Hi, all, How to calculate the mean cortex thickness of fsaverage? Thanks! Wilder___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer The information in this e-mail is intended only for

[Freesurfer] Multiple comparision method

2014-11-19 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Hi freesurfer experts, Is there other methods for multiple comparison correction apart from Monte carlo simulation in Freesurfer? Thanks! zhiwei___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/list

[Freesurfer] Creat ROI from annotation file

2014-11-24 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Hi Freesurfer experts, I want creat some ROI masks or parcellation from Caret PALS_B12_Visuotopic.annot file in fsaverage's label folder. I used the command mri_label2vol, mri_label2vol --annot $Dir/label/lh.PALS_B12_Visuotopic.annot --temp $Dir/mri/T1.nii --fillthresh .5 --o PALS_B12_Visuotopic

Re: [Freesurfer] Creat ROI from annotation file

2014-11-24 Thread wangzhiwei3233
too so that you don't >overwrite aparc+aseg.mgz) > >doug > >On 11/24/2014 07:54 AM, wangzhiwei3233 wrote: >> Hi Freesurfer experts, >> I want creat some ROI masks or parcellation from Caret >> PALS_B12_Visuotopic.annot file in fsaverage's label folder. >

[Freesurfer] mri_surfcluster problem

2014-12-02 Thread wangzhiwei3233
Hi Freesurfer experts, I just want to try cluster level threshold by cluster size, but not by mc simulation. So I tried the command like : mri_surfcluster --in sig.nii.gz --subject fsaverage --hemi lh --annot aparc --sign pos --minarea 50 --sum area50.pos.cluster.summary --o area50.pos.

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_surfcluster problem

2014-12-02 Thread wangzhiwei3233
terminal output? On 12/2/14 8:01 AM, wangzhiwei3233 wrote: Hi Freesurfer experts, I just want to try cluster level threshold by cluster size, but not by mc simulation. So I tried the command like : mri_surfcluster --in sig.nii.gz --subject fsaverage --hemi lh --annot aparc --sign pos --m

[Freesurfer] taskreg with inconsistent regressor number

2023-08-09 Thread wangzhiwei3233
External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer experts, In my experiment, some subjects missed some trials and some not. I wish set the missed trials as an external regressor, however, mkanalysis-sess seems applying the same parameters for all subjects. In my understanding, -taskre

[Freesurfer] converting preprocessed surface functional data to volume

2023-08-09 Thread wangzhiwei3233
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, I am going to do convert the preprocessed surface functional data to volume in fsaverage space so that I can used the processed data in SPM for further analysis, saying, beta series analysis. Because the trial nubmer is not sa

[Freesurfer] converting preprocessed surface functional data to volume

2023-08-13 Thread wangzhiwei3233
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, I am going to convert the preprocessed surface functional data to volume in fsaverage space so that I can used the processed data in SPM for further analysis, for example, beta series analysis. I tried mri_surf2vol, it worked.

Re: [Freesurfer] converting preprocessed surface functional data to volume

2023-09-06 Thread wangzhiwei3233
data come from? Are you trying to map the time >courses? That usually does not work that well as your resulting image >will be huge. One thing to do is to map it to a cropped volume (most of >the 256^3 is outside the brain) and or also map it to 2mm instead of 1mm. > >On 8/13/

[Freesurfer] No ROI name in summary of MNI305 group analysis

2023-11-22 Thread wangzhiwei3233
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer Experts, I did group-level analysis in MNI305 space. Then I output the summay via command 'mri_volcluster' as follows: mri_volcluster --in ./sig.nii.gz --thmin ${thvoxel} --sign ${sigsignTemp} --cwpvalthresh 0.05 --minsize 273 --fwhm

[Freesurfer] converting preprecessed functional surface data to gifti

2024-01-26 Thread wangzhiwei3233
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, How can I convert the preprecessed functional surface data to gifti format(gii)? I tried mris_convert, but I encountered the following error. error: freadFloat: fread failed Your assistance would be highly appreciated.

Re: [Freesurfer] No ROI name in summary of MNI305 group analysis

2024-01-26 Thread wangzhiwei3233
; Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] No ROI name in summary of MNI305 group analysis To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Try adding --reg $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/mri.2mm/reg.2mm.dat On 11/23/2023 2:32 AM, wangzhiwei3233 wrote: > &

Re: [Freesurfer] converting preprecessed functional surface data to gifti

2024-01-29 Thread wangzhiwei3233
To convert functional file, use ?-f ?. You also need to specify surface file. Best, Yujing From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu On Behalf Of wangzhiwei3233 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 4:39 AM To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Subject: [Freesurfer] converting preprecessed functional su

[Freesurfer] cluster area from mri_surfcluster and read_curv are inconstant

2024-06-11 Thread wangzhiwei3233
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, I got the area of a cluster by two methods, and found the results were inconstant. Method 1: During group level analysis, the individual surface was normalized to fsaverage. I exported the cluster area and label file by co