Dear FS experts
I would like to examine associations between cortical thickness and sum scores
of a scale (ordinal scale). Accordingly, I would need to conduct Spearman
rather than Pearson correlation analyses. I found the following post to this
email list, indicating that the GLM model in FS i
Great, will do that - thank you very much for your help!
Psychiatric Services University of Bern (UPD)
University Hospital of Psychiatry
Division of Systems Neuroscience of Psychopathology
Translational Research Center
Dr. Martina Papmeyer, Postdoctoral Fellow
Bolligenstr. 111, CH-3000 Bern 60
Dear FreeSurfer experts
I have one question regarding my data analysis and would be extremely thankful
for any advice!
My data-set is as follows: I have repeated measures (time point 0 (T0), time
point 1 (T1)) of several subjects. All individuals underwent an intervention at
one of the tim