Hi freesurfer,
I ?installed the package of freesurfer according to the intruction of
freesurfer website. But when I checked whether it was installed successfully, I
inputed?the commands following:
1)?tksurfer bert rh pial?
Couldn't create output file .xdebug_tksurfersubject is bert
Dear FreeSurfers,
I want to convert cortical labels to volumetric masks, and I run the following
1. tkregister2 �Cmov sub/mri/rawavg.mgz �Cnoedit �Cs sub �Cregheader �Creg
2. mri_label2vol �Clabel ./lh.entorhinal.label �Ctemp sub/mri/rawavg.mgz
�Csubject sub �Chemi
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your reply.
The mask created is used to register with the normalized functional data and to
define the roi, so could I run the following command?
tkregister2 -mov sub/func.nii -noedit -s fsaverage -regheader -reg
and the func.nii has been normalized (sub.nii)
Dear FreeSurfers,
I want to convert cortical labels to volumetric masks, the mask created are
used to register with the normalized functional data and to define the roi, so
could I run the following command?
tkregister2 -mov sub/func.nii -noedit -s fsaverage -regheader -reg
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Hi Meng,
I don't understand what you are trying to do. Can you
elaborate? That command will simply check a registration that already
On 04/29/2013 10:36 AM, limengs
. And the masks overlay the functional data created above to
define the retinotopic visual areas.
Thank you!
发件人: Douglas N Greve
发送时间: 2013-05-02 02:02
收件人: limengsecret
抄送: freesurfer
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] convert labels to volumetric masks
Hi Meng,
On 04/30/2013 09:53 PM, limengsecret
Hi freesurfer,
I have a label and each vertex in this label has a probability value.
My problem is that how to determine the peak vertex (or the center of gravity)
of this label and get the coordinates.
And I also want to know, in the tksurfer interface, whether the vertex index
has a correspo