Hi freesurfers
After checking recon-all -autorecon-all processing, I realized that a part
of the duramadre has been not fully removed (please see attached file).
Can anyone help me how to solve this please.
Best regards.
Leo Kay.
Freesurfer m
Hi All
I'm new in freesurfer. I have a question regards Philips DICOM format. I
tried to convert from dicom to .mgz
using mri_convert but i get the following error message:
MRIresample(): error inverting matrix; determinant is nan, matrix is:
-0.000 -0.000 nan nan;
0.000 0.000 nan
I have been trying to import my data and create a subject directory using
the following command:
recon-all -i -s
replacing with the path where my T1 structural
nifti is allocated, and
-s with the name of the subject (susu), which is supposed to be the
name of the directory too.
But a
Hi all
Can anyone help me overlaying fMRI activations from fsl on a anatomical T1
volume in freesurfer.
Is there any previous format conversion to do before?
Thanks in advance
best regards,
Leo Kay.
Freesurfer mailing list
anatomical T1
To: leonardo kay
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
There is a tutorial on this on our wiki. Basically, you need to run
reg-feat2anat to get a registration file, then run tksurfer passing it the
registration file and the stat volume as the overlay.
leonardo kay wrote:
Hi all
Do anyone have experience doing parcellations using AXIAL T2 FLAIR
acquisitions? What sequence do you recomend most
for parcellation/labelling under freesurfer?
Best regards,
Leo Kay.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Freesurfer experts.
Do anyone know how to measure the cortical thickness of an specific brain
I have been using mris_anatomical_stats but it only outputs the brain
cortical thickness of the requested hemisphere.
Best regards.
Leo Kay.
Hi freesurfer 's
Can anyone help me how to create a ROI mask. I have read the Cortical
Thickness of a Volume-defined ROI tutorial but it doesn't specify
how to generate that ROI.nii file. How many points are needed? What brain
image must be used as a reference?
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Hi all
Is there someway (command line) to get direct information on each subject
acquisition parameters?
Best regards.
Leo Kay.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all
Could anyone help me with this error:
MRISreadAnnotationIntoArray: vertex index out of range: 1499028058
i=5A595959, in_array_size=133467
annot file:
This appeared after trying to average my subject data. It says
10 matches
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