Dear FreeSurfers,
I need to extract mean thickness from a manually defined label which is now in
subjid/label (named mpfc.label)
I tried with mris_anatomical_stats using the -l flag but here is what I got
iMac-di-Mac:label fabriziopiras$ mris_anatomical_stats -l
subjid/label/rh.cortex.label -b
ve it as a .nii
(or wathever format) ROI in ordero to export it and open it with other
softwares (e.g. mricron, fsl etc)?
thank you in advance
Fabrizio Piras
Fabrizio Piras Ph.D.
Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Santa Lucia
Laboratorio di Neurop
Dear all,
I run a controls vs patients thickness analysis using qdec and got
several results. Now, it is not entirely clear to me how to refine my
surface-based analysis (still using qdec) into a ROI, the middle
orbitofrontal region.
ckness and analyze it with SPSS or
whatever, I simply want to compute my vertex to vertex difference map
limiting the analysis to that region. Is it possible with qdec?
Fabrizio Piras Ph.D.
Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. S