Dear Matt and freesurfers,
I am encounting this old problem, that is, using fsl_sub to launch FreeSurfer
jobs in SGE and get this error message: (standard_in) 2: Error: comparison in
and freesurfer stoped. But running freesurfer without fsl_sub is OK (using
fsl_sub to launch other c
Dear Freesurfers,
I am new to freesurfer and I am afraid of doing something wrong, so I am
writing to ask is this error indicating something wrong with my data?
Any help is appreciated. below are detials of my question. Thank you!
I used
with th
Dear experts,
I am confused by demean during GLM model setup and would like someone here can
help me. Thanks!
Suppose I have a continuous behavior data and I want to find out which brain
region(s) correlated with it. The simple way is to calculate correltation
between brain data and behavior d
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am learning to do trouble shooting on recon-all results. But after read
materials on the wiki, I am confused about the workflow.
According to the tutorial slices, the work flow should be
1,recon-all �Cautorecon1 (Stages 1-5)
2,Check talairach transform, skull strip,
Dear Freesurfer experts,
Sorry I am posting this again, I do not know I missed you reply or nobody
replied yet. Can anybody help?
I am learning to do trouble shooting on recon-all results. But after read
materials on the wiki, I am confused about the workflow.
According to the tutorial slices,
Dear freesurfer experts,
I searched on the wiki but can not figure out how to solve this problem: I
found some significant clusters on graymatter thickness, how can I use it as a
ROI in my functional MRI study?
I have both structure and function data of the same subjects, so I can either
do it
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I installed the QAtools and tried a subject with this commond:
$QA_TOOLS/recon_checker -s sub13 -snaps-detailed -gen-asegLUT aseglut.txt
but I encountered the following Error message, can someone help me figure it
out? Any help is appriciated, thanks!
Error message 1:
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I installed the QAtools and tried a subject with this commond:
$QA_TOOLS/recon_checker -s sub13 -snaps-detailed -gen-asegLUT aseglut.txt
but I encountered the following Error message, can someone help me figure it
out? Any help is appriciated, thanks!
Error message 1:
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I installed the QAtools and tried a subject with this commond:
$QA_TOOLS/recon_checker -s sub13 -snaps-detailed -gen-asegLUT aseglut.txt
but I encountered the following Error message, can someone help me figure it
out? Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Error message 1:
: chenchunhuichina
抄送: freesurfer
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] about QAtools
Hi Chunhui,
I believe this is a dependency issue, since the convert command is part of
the ImageMagick Studio. You'll need to download and install the binaries
( I'll make of note of this on the
China 100875
发件人: Louis Nicholas Vinke
发送时间: 2012-03-06 23:50:05
收件人: chenchunhuichina
抄送: freesurfer
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] about QAtools
Hi Chunhui,
I believe this is a dependency issue, since the convert command is part of
the ImageMagick Studio. You'll need to
Got it.
Thanks Louis!
Chunhui Chen
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China 100875
发件人: Louis Nicholas Vinke
发送时间: 2012-03-26 23:27:09
收件人: chenchunhuichina
抄送: freesurfer
主题: Re: Re
Dears freesurfers,
I have just finished a GLM analysis in freesurfer and found a cluster whose
thickness significantlyassociated with some behavior index. I would like to
extract data from this cluster for further analysis, i.e., mean thickness in
this cluster for each subject.
How could I ext
Hi experts,
A quick question: I installed FS 5.1 a month ago, should I replace with this
recon-all file and run it with flag -clean-tal in the future? why the steps
have to be switched?
Chunhui Chen
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and
收件人: chenchunhuichina
主题: Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Orientation of 001.mgz versus raw dicom data
no, that shouldn't matter
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, chenchunhuichina wrote:
> May I ask a related question?
> My structural data are acquired in sagital view, do I have to re-o
in some regions like left amygdata, the difference exceed 5%
Chunhui Chen
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China 100875
发件人: Bruce Fischl
发送时间: 2010-01-22 12:38:11
收件人: chenchunhuichina
主题: Re: Re
Hello FreeSurfer users,
I may be asking a stupid question but it really troubled me a while.
I converted dicom files to nift using dcm2niigui (MRIcron). In fslview, it
displayed in RAS coordinates, but template of FSL are in LAS coordinates.
Should I filp L-R before doing any further analysis?
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