Dear experts,

I am confused by demean during GLM model setup and would like someone here can 
help me. Thanks!

Suppose I have a continuous behavior data and I want to find out which brain 
region(s) correlated with it. The simple way is to calculate correltation 
between brain data and behavior data, or in GLM to set up a model Y=AX+B+e, A 
is slope, B is constent and e is error, Y is brain data and X is beahvior data. 
So this design matrix have two collumns: behavior data and ones.
or we can think of demean that dX=X-mean(X), dY=Y-mean(Y)
Y=A'dX+B'+e', A' should be the same a A and B' differed from B, and B' maybe 
more interpretatable. 

I was told that -D opion in FSL randomise will demean X and Y at the same time. 
one can set up models like dY=A1dX+B1+e1, or dY=A2dX+e2. I simulated a data in 
SPSS and confirmed that A1,A2 is the same as A, B1 is 0. but t test for A1 A2 
differed a little, A1 is the same as above models.

So it seems to me that include a constent in the model is always right, right?
My confusion is why Y also need to demean and how was it done in randomise? 
when one says "demean" or "mean centering", he/she means demean X only or 
demean X and Y both?

Thanks for any clarification!


Chunhui Chen

State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China 100875
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