Hi all,
Is there an equivalent of fslmaths in Freesurfer? I would like to add two
scalar value images (.mgh files) that are registered to the fsaverage6 surface
but I’m not seeing an obvious way to do it. Right now I’m reading the images
into Matlab to add them, but this is a bit inconvenient
Hi Jared
I think mris_calc does at least some of what you want.
On Fri, 16 Feb 2018, Zimmerman, Jared wrote:
Hi all,
Is there an equivalent of fslmaths in Freesurfer? I would like to add two
scalar value images (.mgh
files) that are registered to the fsaverage6 surface b
hoose the mni target. If
you just want the aparc of the aparc+aseg, then don't go into the volume
at all.
On 04/17/2018 01:57 PM, Zimmerman, Jared wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’m trying to register the aparc+aseg volumes from subject T1 space to
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Hi Freesurfers,
I’m using mris_compute_parc_overlap to compare the similarity between two
parcellations and I’m curious about how the average minimum distance
measurement is calculated.
The help text for the function says “… a table of mean minimum
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Hi Freesurfers,
What’s the best way to resample recon data such as aparc+aseg.mgz into scanner
space for recons with multiple T1s? Right now I’m using mri_vol2vol with
–regheader to resample from orig space to rawavg, then using mri_vol2vol again
The to volumes should be in registration
Then use mri_vol2vol (intensity image) or mri_label2vol (segmenation) to
On 5/2/19 4:15 PM, Zimmerman, Jared wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Freesurfers,
ontent. Probably it was an error when you set up the command line for
On 05/25/2016 06:40 PM, Zimmerman, Jared Perry wrote:
> Hi, I'm having a problem running first level connectivity analysis on
> my resting-state data. When I run selxavg3-sess I keep getting a