Hi all:
I am studying the coordinate system transforms within subject across
imaging modalities on web page:
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CoordinateSystems. I met a problem.
First, i run tksurfer : tksurfer subjectname lh inflated -reg register.dat -ov
mov.nii , then i chose a p
Hi all;
I need a suface-based aal template which is compatible with FS surface
file. Is there a way i can get the surface-based aal template? I have an idea,
that is to just transform the AAL template (.nii file) in MNI space onto the
surface template (e.g. fsaverage template) in FS. Is it
- now you can use surf2surf or label2label to go to your subjects and obtain
On 27/03/2013, at 05:35, ZhiLiangLong wrote:
Hi all;
I need a suface-based aal template which is compatible with FS surface
file. Is there a way i can get the surface-based aal template? I have
Hi FS experts:
I am trying to map AAL template onto FS surface to create surface-based AAL
template. Several days ago, i asked this question, and Garikoitz Lerma gave me
some suggestions. Possibly, i think the process is like as folllows:
1. downloa the Colin27 subject in Surfrend page, a
minimal translation. If you see both T1-s with tkregister you will see that
they are almost the same (the spm version a little bit blurred, because of the
resolution). You use this register.dat when doing vol2surf of the AAL.nii to
your AAL.mgh surface ROI.
Hope this helps!
On 27/0
>> Now I can segment surfaces just by calling mris_ca_label which works
>> flawlessly and consistent throughout subjects.
>> Best,
>> Martijn
>> Van: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Hi all:
I am confused with coordinate systems in FS. I have several questions
1. when we run recon-all -s subjid -all, Is the individual native space
transformed to talairach coordinate system?. when run recon-all -s subjid
-qcache, does the talairach system go into MNI syst
Hi all:
In qdec, when i left-clicked on a point of pial surface, there would be a
coordinate displayed at the bottom of qdec. my qestion is that does the
coordinate belong to the MNI space or talariach space?___
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi everyone:
I met problem about the recon-all process. I got some brain regions
showing group-differences of activation in task. Now, i want to compare the
difference of cortical thickness on these brain regions. I prefer to limit the
compution of cortical thickness on my regions of int
Hi all:
I got some regions of interest showing significant diffencese in VBM
between two groups. Now, i attemp to compare cortical thickness of these ROIs.
However, i don't know how to map the ROIs to cortical surface and extract
cortical thickness values? I need help._
Hi all:
Are there some FS commands that can convert .annot file to lable file?
Hi all:
Is there a way that can perform a test to compare the difference of
cortical thickness between groups (at least three) using ANOVA (analysis of
variance) in FS? If it is how can i do that?
Any suggestions will be appreciative___
Hi FS experts:
I have two questions about FS.
(1) Is there a way that can map volume data(.hdr and .img file) to brain
surface in FS?
(2) I find a way that can extract cortical thickness
automatically,first,the statistical significant areas derived from group
analysis on qdec
Hi all :
I'm performing general linear model (GLM) analysis in the surface,the
attachments above are FSGD file and contrast files(the last three
attachments).i wonder if my contrast files are correct.
the attachment named diff-C-H-thickness.txt is about difference between C
and H and t
Hi all:
After finishing recon-all steps, there are some thickness files generated
such as lh.thickness and lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh which contain
cortical thickness values at each vertex. Are the thickness values in
lh.thickness file calculated in individual space ,that is , they
Hi, all
Does the SurfArea in the lh.aparc.a2009s.stats, as presented below(red
color), calculated based on white matter surface or pial surface? any
suggestions appreciated.
# TableCol 10 Units unitless
# ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv
Hi freesurfer experts:
i'm using qdec to perform statistical analysis in Freesurfer 5.0.0,
within 'Measure' menu in 'Design' tab, the default is 'thickness', however,
there are other measurements such as 'area' and 'area.pial'. the latter seems
meaning area in pial surface. what does t
Hi, FS experts:
I'm scanning freesurfer pages about FSGD files here:
and i'm interested in one contrast file(the example of Contrast 5
right-left.intercept.mtx). The original FSGD file is list as follows:
GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title OSGM
Hi all:
I'm performing the group analysis on my own data using command line on
FS5.1.0 and i'm a little confused about the Clusterwise Correction for Multiple
Comparisions. the command is as follows:
mri_glmfit-sim \
--glmdir lh.gender_age.glmdir \
--sim mc-
Hi all:
A few days ago, i have asked about some questions about Correction for
Multiple Comparison. But i'm still confused about it. The version of FS is
5.1.0. when i performed Correction for Multiple Comparison using command line
with 'mris_glmfit-sim', it usually took many hours to complet
Hi all:
After finishing group analysis, how can i obtain the thickness value of each
ROIs showing significant group-difference in fsaverage space? That is to say,
how i get the value of each ROIs which have been normalized to the fsaverage
template. The method suggested in tutorials
Hi all:
I'm a little confused about the DODS model and DOSS model. I have two
groups (patient and control) and one covariate (age), and I want to compare the
diffirence of thickness between the groups with age as the covariate. In DODS
model, is the process the analysis of variance substant
Hi all:
In FS, does the fsaverage template belong to MNI space or Talairach space?
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is int
I use qdec to generate statistical significant areas and draw ROI and
map the ROI to each subject ,finally i get a label file of each subject called
lh.supriorfrontal.label which can be seen in attachment below.But i'm a little
confused with content of the label file, Is it correct
Hi all:
After all "recon-all -all" processing has been completed for all subjects
,I want to obtain volume of specific structure of each subject(e.g., the volume
of Caudate Nucleus). But i have no idea about it,Are there some tools or
commands that can help?
I hope you can give me some sug
Hi FS experts:
I have run a group analysis with Local Gyrification Index (LGI) and obtained
some statistical significant areas.Now I want to extract the information (lgi)
of each area.Based on the QDec Group Analysis page, the following command is
ran to examine cortical thickness:
Hi all:
I have three groups of subjects (major depression disorder,slight
depression disorder and contrast),i want to use qdec to obtain the statistical
significant areas containing difference of cortical thickness measurment among
them. But there are some errors appearing when i run the gr
27 matches
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