[Freesurfer] Re: Error in Analyze

2009-06-10 Thread Toh Hock Wong
On 10/06/2009, at 9:51 PM, Toh Hock Wong wrote: Hi all, I have reconstructed 12 paediatric subjects aged 4-13 and managed to load qdec as well as generating stats. The factors are age, diagnosis, gender and a continuos factor such as lh temporalpole thickness. When i click analyze

[Freesurfer] Errors in qdec/Analyze

2009-06-22 Thread Toh Hock Wong
Hi to all, I have been having troubles with qdec and several error messages appear. The first message appeared when clicking 'analyze'. It doesn't matter if i use one or two discrete plus one or two continuos factors, i get the same error message. What does it mean by codno=1e+08? Creati

[Freesurfer] mri_watershed error

2010-07-17 Thread Toh Hock Wong
Dear freesurfer experts, I need your help on recon. I tried to perform recon-all on my anonymized control subjects (chunk of face/eyes removed on T1.mgz) and run autorecon1. It ran smoothly till the end of workflow of autorecon1 and came up with the following: mri_watershed Error:

[Freesurfer] Freesurfer version 4.5

2010-07-26 Thread Toh Hock Wong
Hi Freesurfer experts, Thanks for Jesse's recent posting which raises my question. I am in the process of compiling a series of control patients with freesurfer version 4.5. Is it possible to save the output after autorecon1( with version 4.5), and use it to continue autorecon2 when versio