[Freesurfer] smooth overlay

2013-04-24 Thread Thomas Janssens
g step correspond to? Thanks a lot for your help! Regards, Thomas Janssens Thomas Janssens, PhD student FWO Laboratorium voor Neuro- en Psychofysiologie K.U.Leuven Medical School Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium) phone +32 16 33 00 35 cell phone +32 494 115 509 thom...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu thomas

[Freesurfer] polar angle analysis with clockwise- and counterclockwise-rotating wedges

2012-08-06 Thread Thomas Janssens
Hi, I am currently analyzing some retinotopy data. For the polar angle stimulus we had both clockwise and counterclockwise stimuli. Both of them started at the top of the screen (12 o'clock), each run includes 4 full cycles and ends with the last wedge slightly before/after 12o'clock. We have c

Re: [Freesurfer] polar angle analysis with clockwise- and counterclockwise-rotating wedges

2012-08-08 Thread Thomas Janssens
me or opposite sign? Are you sure that the par file lists one as positive > and one as negative? > doug > > > On 08/06/2012 02:56 PM, Thomas Janssens wrote: >> Hi Doug, >> >> the p-values are all much lower when I combine both the counterclockwise and >>

Re: [Freesurfer] polar angle analysis with clockwise- and counterclockwise-rotating wedges

2012-08-13 Thread Thomas Janssens
to a phase shift of half a cycle for the "neg" runs compared to the "pos" runs. However, this problem is solved by changing the code for the "neg" runs to: the real part equals -cos(phz) and the imaginary part equals sin(phz). This small change fixed the problem

[Freesurfer] calculating percent signal change

2010-09-30 Thread Thomas Janssens
from the gamma model. It seems that there is more than 2 times differences between these two values. Is it normal, or we need another scale factor for the fir model? Thanks for the answers! regards, Thomas Janssens ps: My selxavg3-sess analysis was done using the following parameters in the an

[Freesurfer] retinotopy sig.nii file

2011-05-09 Thread Thomas Janssens
Hi, I performed a retinotopy analyses with freesurfer using selxavg3-sess. One of the nii-files that is created with this command is sig.nii. How is the significance map in sig.nii calculated for retinotopy? which p-values are used in this calculation? Thanks! Thomas