t file to correspond with
the label volumes? I'm looking for a simplified x,y,z coordinate file for
about the 68 structures, rather than the grayordinates with every vertex.
Finally, would the label names file be generated with both left and right
hemispheres in the one file?
Kind Regards,
Hi Freesurfer users,
I'm trying to run the bbregister command on the brain.mgz file.
Here is the command line and resulting error:
[12239012@psych2 ~/001ER]$ bbregister --s 001ER --mov mri/brain.mgz --reg
ERROR: cannot find 001ER in /usr/local/apps/freesurfer/5.1.0/subjects
I need
JECTS_DIR environment variable is probably set
> incorrectly.
> Does /usr/local/apps/freesurfer/5.1.0/subject/001ER exist? What is
> SUBJECTS_DIR set to?
> SUBJECTS_DIR should be set to the directory containing "001ER".
> -Zeke
> On 05/19
Hi Freesurfer,
We've carried out the mri_label2vol step for ROIs in one hemisphere. When
opening in ITKsnap the orientations appeared flipped, with the axial ROIs
overlayed onto the coronal orientation, and coronal over the axial, and the
sagittal plane appeared rotated.
Can anyone help us fix thi