Hi Freesurfers,
We would need to obtain the cortical thickness of each subject in the
space of the average subject (built from our subject population), Does
it exists?
If so, Can I use the label files produced by mri_surfcluster to
directly extract the mean cortical thickness of each ROI in each
ta to get the cortical thickness
values at each vertex of every subject?
Rafa & Gabi
2013/3/26 Bruce Fischl :
> Hi Rafa and Gabi
> yes, that's pretty much what the -qcache flag does in recon-all. Or you can
> use mri_surf2surf to do it.
> cheers
> Bruce
> O
Dear Freesurfers
I will introduce the mean cortial thickness as covariate into my
statistical model, but I'm wonderind which way will be the best.
To get the cortical thickness in individual space, or in AVG space?
Thank you all in advanced,
Dear freesurfer experts,
I was running an autorecon2 in the recon-all but always gives me this
memory allocation error, only on this subject. Im using FS v5.1
#@# ASeg Stats Mon Jun 3 20:13:11 CEST 2013
mri_segstats --seg mri/aseg.mgz --sum
some files from it
> (e.g. no mri/transforms/talairach.xfm). Don't email it to me - use our ftp
> site
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Rafa X wrote:
> Hi Bruce,Thanks for your reply. I have attached the zipped subject dir
>> (please, note that I had
Hi Freesurfers,
There is avaliable a cerebelum mask in
however the corregistration from MNI152 space to subject space
produces a few deformation that introduce an error in the fit of the
mask into the real vermis of the
Hello FS team,
I would like to know if it's possible to load a PET image in tkmedit
and tksurfer, and overall I need to know if I can coregistrer a PET
image with a MRI (of the same patient).
I have the tags of the cortical segmentation generated by recon2 based
on the MRI and I want to work with t
Dear FS Team,
I have a problem with the bbregister command. I used it for coregister
a MRI with a PET.
My first step is set the same origin and orientation for both images
(approximately) (I use SPM or tkregister2).
After, I write in the terminal "bbregister --mov s24PET.img --t1 --s
sr24 --init-f
Dear FS team,
I'm writing matlab code to obtain smaller parcellated regions of equal
size starting from the freesurfer parcellation performed on the
average subject. Should I apply a scale factor If I wanted to use the
areas stored in ?h.white.avg.area.mgh for the new parcellation? My
Freesurfer r
bem dir to try, to give you different
> number of faces.
> Nick
> On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 11:39 +0100, Rafa x wrote:
>> Dear FS team,
>> I'm writing matlab code to obtain smaller parcellated regions of equal
>> size starting from the freesurfer
Dear FS team,
I used read_annotation(lh.aparca.annot) for obtaining [vertexs, label,
colortable]. After that, I have modified these variables and would
like to write a new annotation file. Is there the function
"write_annotation" (or something similar)?
Thanks in advance.
Dear FS team
I would like to execute the command mris_anatomical_stats with one
average subject, the problem is that the file wm.mgz is required.
Is there some way to obtain the stats of one average subject?(I need
the area of all the parcellations)
Thank you in advance
Dear Freesurfer team,
I used the lh.inflated file in an average subject to obtain its
vertex’s coordinates. My question is: What anatomical space or
reference system was use in this file? or instead, How I could obtain
the Talairach coordinates of each vertex?
Thank you in advance,
Dear Freesurfers,
I’m trying to obtain in matlab the PET value of each vertex of the
cortex from one freesurfer subject.
To calculate it, first I do the coregister with:
bbregister -–mov PETimage.nii –-t2 –-s subjectName –-init-fsl –-reg register.dat
I have checked the result and it is provides p
Dear Freesurfers,
In Freesurfer v5.0 when I try to run the command:
mri_glmfit --surf CNTRL_MCI_RAFA_average lh --C contrast.mat --fsgd
fsgd.txt dods --mask lh.fsgd_subj/mask.mgh --y
CNTRL_MCI_RAFA_stats/lh.fsgd_subj.mgh --sim perm 625 2.301 csd1
--sim-sign pos --seed 6555731749
I always get the
I would strongly recommend it as that will make sure that
> all the arguments are correct.
> doug
> Rafa x wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> In Freesurfer v5.0 when I try to run the command:
>> mri_glmfit --surf CNTRL_MCI_RAFA_average lh --C contrast
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