Hi Freesurfer forum,
I have never used the forum before but I am a long time user of Freesurfer
and I am currently working on making a new atlas for the cerebellum.
However I am having a problem loading my *seg_edited.mgz* files into the
*rebuild_gca_atlas.csh* script. So I renamed my *aseg.mgz* f
segmentation, make it unique
> MRIwrite(aseg,'newaseg.mgz')
> On 07/09/2014 01:26 PM, N/A N/A wrote:
> > Hi Freesurfer forum,
> >
> > I have never used the forum before but I am a long time user of
> > Freesurfer and I am currentl
Hi Freesurfers,
I am trying to make an atlas using the GCA algorithm and the error message
I just got is asking for the talairach.xfm file. The scans I am using were
originally run through freesurfer 3.1 and talairach processing was not
done. What do you suggest I do to use these scans in my new a
Hi Freesurfers,
I am trying to make an atlas using the GCA algorithm and the error message
I just got is asking for the talairach.xfm file. The scans I am using were
originally run through freesurfer 3.1 and talairach processing was not
done. What do you suggest I do to use these scans in my atlas