I have a bunch of scans from patients with mulitple sclerosis. Since
they all have substantial t2w hyperintensities I would like to
automate the process of WM filling and re-running. Looking through the
emails and the wiki, however, I am a bit confused.
I am also having the same problems.
Was this ever resolved?
I run freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.0.5 on ubuntu hardy
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:55 PM, David Qixiang Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running freesurfer in Ubuntu hardy 2.6
When I try to load a qdec.table.dat I always get the same error:
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
ERROR: QdecProject::VerifySubjects: Couldn't find subject 'tester' in
I've tried digging around through the archives and still can't seem to
find a solution for this problem.
I've tri
I am trying to understand what happens when you run the recon-all
-qcache command
I noticed these three commands get run:
mris_preproc --s tester2 --hemi lh --meas thickness --target fsaverage
--out lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh
mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject tester2 --surfreg sphere.reg
>> thanks,
>> mishkin
>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Nick Schmansky
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Mishkin,
>> >
>> > Does this directory exist?
>> >
>> > /lab1/FreeSurfer/4.0.5/ms-mni/testing/test
27;, as mris_preproc is used by the -qcache. In other usages
> of mris_preproc, it is possible to concatnate multiple files.
> Nick
> On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 17:16 -0400, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to understand what happens when you run t
I have my own stats files that I would like to incorporate into the
freesurfer stream, if possible. Ie. after running FreeSurfer, I create
a ?h.mystats (containing something like image intensities for
example), where the format of ?h.mystats is just an ascii file, where
each line is the value a
I have a couple questions regarding the -long option.
1) The longitudinal instructions listed in recon-all -help all use
recon-all -all -long. If I am only interested in the subcortical
segmentation, will the longitudinal processing still work if I only
use recon-all -subcortseg ?
2) How long
Are the details of the partial volume corrections described anywhere
on the wiki, I couldn't find anything?
Is it just a certain percentage of the volume that is disregarded
depending on the surface area, or is there a probabilistic labeling of
the structures somewhere?
Is it possible to get a
I have three questions regarding some postmortem data at high
resolution (0.35 mm^3 isotropic).
1) A question was asked about the possibility of using postmortem
scans in freesurfer back in sept 2007 and Bruce said:
>Not easily, although we have some tools for doing this. They aren't
Hi Lloyd,
I dealt with the same problem at one time. My input volume was a minc
volume but I imagine the procedure should work for your input as well.
for native.mnc, which was your input into freesurfer, do this command:
mri_info --cras native.mnc
my output was
-2.35588 52.7907 24.8145
Then you
Hello list,
I would like to create a mask on fsaverage/surf/?h.pial that masks out
the areas where the surface does not follow the cortex, but is just
cutting across the mid line or across the brain stem. I know
Freesurfer does this to maintain the surface toplogy, and I think it
only does this in
ate things.
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Mishkin,
> yes, the ?h.cortex.label should be created for every subject that labels the
> cortical regions of the surface.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
X Y Z labelno
> where labelno is found in $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt, for
> instance 1007 is ctx-lh-fusiform
> Nick
> On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 17:00 -0400, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
>> Thanks. After reading up on the wiki
quot;> ${DIR}/${name}/label/${hemi}.annot.asc");
open(FTXT,"> ${DIR}/${name}/label/${hemi}.annot.txt");
foreach $element(@master){
my @array = split(/ /,$element);
print FASC "$array[0]\n"; #names
print FTXT "$array[1]\n"; #num
I'm trying to get the surfaces for the colin27 brain that is included
with the mni packages. Has anyone managed to do this before?
I thought I would have an easy time given that this linear average of
27 brains has very good signal to noise and nice contrasts, and even
though recon-all complet
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 30 Nov 2009, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to get the surfaces for the colin27 brain that is included
>> with the mni packages. Has anyone managed to do this before?
>> I thought I would
I am looking for the transformation matrix that takes my input volume
(orig.mgh) and maps it into the same space as fsaverage (or the
inverse of this transformation if it already exists).
I've already run recon-all -all, and -qcache, so I'm pretty sure this
information exists somewhere, but aft
I just installed the rh9 version of fressurfer.
I am running Ubuntu 6.10.
I had the libtiff.so.3 error, which I seemed to have fixed by just making
a sym link to libtiff.so.4 ( I hope that is okay).
Now I get this error about the aseg.mgz.gz not existing. It looks like it
isn't looking in the m
I am new to FreeSurfer and even after having read the wiki, I have a
few questions regarding the coordinate systems.
1. What coordinate system do the final surfaces have. ie. mris_convert
rh.pial rh.pial.ascii will list the coordinates in what space?
2. Are the coordinates of T1.mgz and rh.p
I am interested in just obtaining the subcortical segmentation labels
and not generating surfaces.
I would like to do this in as little time as possible and since I am
only looking for label volumes (ie. hippocampal volumes) i figured
that there must be some steps I can leave out of -autorecon
After running the -subcortseg option, i see the output volumes of
certain structures on the screen. Are they stored anywhere in a text
I checked stats/aseg.stats, and while the column headers indicate that
there should be values for NVoxels and Volume_mm3, in the table those
two fields a
Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
Hi Jenni,
thanks for the reply.
The log file says it finished without any eroors.
In the aseg.stats file, none of the structures have the NVoxels of
Volume_mm3 reported. I attached the file so you can see what I mean.
I am using freesurfer-Linux-rh9-stable-pub-v3.
I am currently running freesurfer on Ubuntu, so yes!
Ubuntu runs Debian linux, so you can just follow the instructions for
a debian install located on the wiki (ie. use the Red Hat 9 download):
p.s. Perhaps Ubuntu can be added to the list
I am having troubles getting the right options with mri_convert.
I ran:
recon-all -autorecon1 -i original.mnc -s subj1
recon-all -subcortseg -s subj1
I now want to convert aseg.mgz into aseg.mnc but in the same space and
with the same orientation as my original.mnc file.
My original.mnc file
arg original.mnc \
> --o aseg-in-native.mnc \
> --regheader \
> --interp nearest
> Nick
> On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 22:05 -0500, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am having troubles getting the right options with mri_convert.
> &
Is there any reason why aseg.stats only has a label for the
left-choroid-plexus (id 31) and none for the right?
I am using freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.0.1
Freesurfer mailing list
I currently run a CPU with 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5355 @ 2.66GHz
with 16GB RAM, and a single instance of recon-all -all with version
freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.0.1 takes this long:
sys 2m1.152s
Which is about 20.5 hours.
In my
1. When using mris_convert lh.white lh.white.ascii, what co-oridnate
system are the xyz co-ordinates reported in? ie. is it the RAS
co-ordinates of the T1.mgz volume?
2. I am making the assumption that the lh.white and the lh.pial will
always have the same number of indices and polygons. Can
On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Mishkin Derakhshan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > 1. When using mris_convert lh.white lh.white.ascii, what co-oridnate
> > system are the xyz co-ordinates reported in?
HI Antonio,
You can use mris_convert to get the surfaces into ascii format. ie:
mris_convert lh.white lh.white.ascii
If you look at the file you see the following:
#!ascii version of lh.white
126302 252600
-7.101086 -100.61 -1.796945 0
-7.231718 -99.740860 -1.915022 0
-7.355780 53.0
After reading the wiki and the references on the wiki, specifically
[1] and [2], I'm still a little confused about how the inflation and
registration to a sphere occurs. ie. what energy functions are being
minimized at each step.
I think it is a 3 step process, where
1. Surfaces are inflated
Hey Alex,
Just from looking at the first two lines of your environment variables
I think you might have forgot the 's' on Applications for
String[] env = {"FREESURFER_HOME=/Application/freesurfer",
On M
Hi Lucia,
I ran into the problem as well. For me, just making a symbolic link
named libtiff.so.3 which points to libtiff.so.4 seemed to do the
trick. Try this:
ln /usr/lib/libtiff.so.4 /usr/lib/libtiff.so.3
(assumes your libs are in /usr/lib/)
hope that helps,
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 9
Hi David,
I use both the MINC world and the freesurfer world.
One thing which may be of use to you or others, is to get from the
surface co-ordinates, back to world-coordinates (or "scanner RAS"), so
that minc tools etc. display things properly. To do this, you need to
apply a simple translation.
I know that at some point in the pipeline, the surfaces are registered
to a common sphere, and thus I'm hopping there is a one-to-one vertex
correspondance between subjects.
My question is, let's say I look at vertex X, on subject1, how do I
find out the corresponding vertex location on subje
>From what I read here:
The atlas has is made from 27 data sets (14 GE, 13 SIEMENS). Can you
give a bit more info about the sequences used. ie were they
FLASH-based or MPRAGE.
Are these 27 data sets available for download somewhere?
I'm wondering if anyone has looked at the accuracy/reproducibility of
cortical thickness measurements using 3mm slice data. I found the Han
2006 paper in NeuroImage comparing different sequences, but it doesn't
compare different slice thicknesses.
If not, does anyone have anecdotal experience u
I don't think this made it through to the list the first time...
Like others on the list I got the ran out of memory error, which seems
to be the result of a gross error somewhere:
CORRECTING DEFECT 1 (vertices=109084, convex hull=14490)
Excessive topologic defect encountered: could not allo
My data is not in the usual SUBJECTS_DIR/fsid structure.
1. Is it possible to run qdec so that it loads each subject from a
full path instead of expecting them all to be under the same
SUBJECTS_DIR? ie. with something like this:
path_to_fsid gender age
/full/path/fsid1 Male 23
40 matches
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