Re: [Freesurfer] autorecon2 hung up?

2006-06-13 Thread Michael Ho
This is normal. mri_ca_register can take 10 hours. To see if it is still running, open another terminal and type top, you should see all the running processes. Check to see approximate run times for each step. Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [Freesurfer] tables for mri_annotation2label (fwd)

2006-10-26 Thread Michael Ho
Hi Dahlia, I'm not sure if this will work, but try adding --annotation aparc.a2005s This tells mri_annotation2label to use the 2005 labels. This flag seems to be missing from the fswiki but is mentioned in mri_annotation2label --help I got 78 of 82 labels this way, the other four say --- skippin

Re: [Freesurfer] legacy data and FDR

2007-09-28 Thread Michael Ho
You can get brain.mgz by converting the COR files in /space/ventzl/1/users/SUBJECTS_DIR/mano001/mri/brain to mgz using mri_convert --in_type cor --out_type mgz Robert Levy wrote: Hi Doug, I just got around to looking at this problem again and trying what you had suggested (link brain.mgz to

[Freesurfer] problem with stxgrinder-sess

2006-01-10 Thread Michael Ho
Hi, I'm having a problem with stxgrinder-sess. Here is some relevant info: tkmeg:mikeho[82] source /usr/local/freesurfer/nmr-dev-env SUBJECTS_DIR/space/canada/5/users/mikeho/subjects FUNCTIONALS_DIR /space/canada/5/users/mikeho/brainmapper [tkmeg:~] (nmr-dev-env) which stxgrinder-sess /usr/lo