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This is Maedeh Khalilian, a master student at Shiraz University of
I have ubuntu 18.04 LTS installed on my laptop. I have already installed
Freesurfer package but it is the version for CentOS.
I wonder if I can use it with ubuntu
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I would like to use the FreeSurfer package to do a parcellation.Just for
testing, I am using "buckner_data" and there is a step I have been stuck
in.I have problem using "mris_ca_train" command.This is the whole code I
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I would like to use the FreeSurfer package to do a parcellation.Just for
testing, I am using "buckner_data" and there is a step I have been stuck
in.I have problem using "mris_ca_train" command.This is the whole code I
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Dear experts;
By using "recon-all", I have parcellated an MR image and by using
"mris_divide_parcellation" i have subdivided the result into specific
regions,(each region has been divided into 10 subregions), the question I
have is that are these sub
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Dear Dr.Bruce Fischl
Thx for replying.
You told me that inequality of the subregions depends on the code I ran.
First off I ran the command:
recon-all -subject test -i data_00.nii -all
"data_00.nii" is a raw MR image.
Then, I ran this command:
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Dear Dr.Bruce Fischle;
Thank you very much for all help you have given me so far,I would like to
know if it is possible to access the algorithms(or any specific parts of
them) that run FreeSurfer and I also would like to know if I can do a
random pa
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I have used "mri_annnotation2label" and "mri_label2vol" to change the
parcellation output of FreeSurfer e.g the lh.aparc.annot into an ".nii" so i
can see the parcels in Mricro.
Now I can see the parcels just on the cortex not
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Dear Douglas Greve;
Thank you for your great help.I did what you said successfully.Now I have
another question.
I have used "mri_divide_parcellation" to have more parcels.this command
gives me a ".annot" file.How can i change this file into a format
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
How can I save the result of parcellation and segmentation into the original
I would appreciate any help.
Best regards,
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear Freesurfer Experts;
I have a question, are there any ways in FreeSurfer to estimate the gray
matter volume or cortical thickness of each region after parcellation, in
order to define the edges in the brain network?
Kind regards,
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Dear Dr.Bruce Fischl,
Thanks for helping me, actually in other words, i am gonna make my brain
network based on the graph theory, the nodes of my graph are the parcels and
for the edges between the nodes i am gonna compute the cortical thickness or
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Dear FreeSurfer Experts,
How can i have the results of FreeSurfer in its original space?
The results have rotation and also the axial and the coronal images are
replaced with each other.
Thanks in advance
Best regards,
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am using "mris_divide_parcellation" in order to increase the region
numbers of Freesurfer parcellation output using "recon-all". e.g i have a
200-region parcellation.Now i wanna use "mris_ca_train" and this .annot file
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am using "mris_divide_parcellation" in order to increase the region
numbers of Freesurfer parcellation output using "recon-all". e.g i have a
200-region parcellation.Now i wanna use "mris_ca_train" and this .annot file
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Dear Dr.Bruce Fischl
Thank you very much for your great sense of responsibility.
Sure, i have sent you a zip file named "Maedeh_results"(it was a rather big
sized one so i had to send it through Wetranser). Hope you have received it.
However, a general
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have a question, does the number of input subjects matter in using
"mris_ca_train" or not? i mean does it affect the results?(maybe the more
subjects, the better result) and if yes, what is an approximate number?
and the sec
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I have a general question, if i have a parcellation(an annotation file e.g
aparc.annot which is the output of FreeSurfer) is FreeSurfer able to
calculate the functional connectivity between the regions(parcels) using
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I wonder if I can install two versions of FreeSurfer (the latest one and an
older one) on one system at the same time.
Thanks more.
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear experts,
Thank u very much for all the help so far
I have mint19 on my system and I have installed FreeSurfer on it.
when I run a command like "mri_convert" it is ok.
But when I run "recon-all" and some other commands, I see the error below :
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Dear Tim,
I did it successfully,
Thanks more...
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I have a parcellation and a whole brain white matter files which are the
outputs of FreeSurfer.
I want to register them to my DWI. I mean I want my parcellation and white
matter to be in the physical space of my DWI.
Can Free
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Dear experts,
Is it necessary to install Matlab to use FsFast for functional connectivity?
Thanks in advance
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear experts,
I have a question, if I have a parcellation which is not the output of
FreeSurfer, can i increase the number of its parcels in FreeSurfer? Maybe if I
can change my file into an annotation file
is it possible?
I would be grateful if u
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Dear Bruce
The parcellation I have is not on surface, it is volumetric.
I wanna increase the number of its ROIs, I thought maybe I can change it
into an annotation file and then use "mris_divide_parcellation".
Hope it is clear enough now.
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I have used "mri_aparc2aseg" in order to map my parcellation file to a
volumetric file, but in the end I wanna exclude some regions which I know
their labels. I think it must be opposite of what "mri_binarize" does.
I wonder h
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I have used "mri_aparc2aseg" in order to map my parcellation file to a
volumetric file, but in the end I wanna exclude some regions which I know
their labels. I think it must be opposite of what "mri_binarize" does.
I wonder h
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Dear FreeSurfer experts;
I have created some volumetric(.nii) files in FreeSurfer (the procedure is
as following: lh/rh.aparc.annot> mri_divide_parcellation > mri_aparc2aseg >
deleting subcortical and white matter regions in order to keep just cortica
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> From: "Maedeh Khalilian"
> To: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
> Date: Thu, 09 May 2019 01:24:58 +0430
> Subject: Visualizing Volumetric Files on Surface
> Dear FreeSurfer experts;
> I have created some vol
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Dear experts,
I have a parcellation scheme (an annotation file). Now I wanna smooth the
map for better visualization.
The command "mri_surf2surf" can do it ,but it doesn't recognize .annot.
Now I wonder how to do it. I would appreciate it if u could
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Dear experts,
I use the file "lh/rh.aparc.annot" and a splitfile as the inputs of the
command "mris_divide_parcellation" in order to have a parcellation with more
Now I have a question: for example if in my splitfile I write 4 in front of
I think it divides along the maximum variance eigen-axis, so should be
On Thu, 6 Jun 2019, Maedeh Khalilian wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear experts,
> I use the file "lh/rh.aparc.annot" and a splitfile
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I know that FreeSurfer does segmentation, surface reconstruction and
topology correction through its routine pipeline using "recon-all" .
However, I have some T2w brain MR images and I have done the segmentation
and extracte
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From: "Maedeh Khalilian"
To: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 07:37:05 +0430
Subject: A Question Regarding Topology Correction
Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I know that FreeSurfer does segmentation, su
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Dear Bruce,
The other day I asked you about doing topology correction on my own
segmentation(I have put my first e-mail and you response in the following so
u can track easier). according to what you suggested, I have created a
synthetic T1 volume b
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