To answer your question more completely, we're trying to compare two
files with the following headers:
Freesurfer segmentation:
height = 256
width = 256
depth = 256
nframe = 1
imnr0 = 1
imnr1 = 256
xnum = 256
ynum = 256
fov = 256.00
thick = 1.00
xstart = -128.00
xend = 128.0
The Volumes module in 3D slicer (v3) will load mgz files. You can use
the Model Maker module to create models of your structures using the
FreeSurfer label codes.
Jeffrey J. Dewey
Center for Neurological Imaging
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Hi all,
I'm using mri_compute_seg_overlap to calculate dice coefficients for two asegs,
and the numbers look reasonable. However, for two of my comparisons,
mri_compute_overlap reports zero overlapping voxels between the segmentations.
Do these two commands compute overlapping voxels in a dif