[Freesurfer] Research Assistant Job, Chicago, IL

2015-06-11 Thread Emily Rogalski
Research Study Assistant job available at Northwestern University’s Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, IL. The research assistant will be responsible for analysis of neuroimaging datasets, in order to contribute to neuroscientific studies of normal aging and pathologi

[Freesurfer] Research Coordinator Job: Northwestern Univ. Alzheimer's Disease Center (Chicago, IL)

2014-03-20 Thread Emily Rogalski
Research Coordinator job available at Northwestern University's Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago, IL. The research assistant will be responsible for analysis of neuroimaging datasets, in order to contribute to neuroscientific studies of normal aging and pathological

[Freesurfer] Research Coordinator Job: Northwestern Univ. Alzheimer's Disease Center (Chicago, IL)

2014-04-18 Thread Emily Rogalski
Research Coordinator job available at Northwestern University’s Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, IL. The research assistant will be responsible for analysis of neuroimaging datasets, in order to contribute to neuroscientific studies of normal aging and pathological

[Freesurfer] Jobs: Postdoctoral Fellow - Neuropsychology/Clinical Neuroscience/Imaging

2015-11-04 Thread Emily Rogalski
http://www.alzforum.org/jobs/postdoctoral-fellow-neuropsychologyclinical-neuroscienceimaging Employer Cleveland Clinic-Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health Location Las Vegas, Nevada Principal Investigator Please send your CV to Sarah Banks, bank...@ccf.org and Ryan Walsh, wal...@ccf.org. Descript

Re: [Freesurfer] Chunks of missing WM

2012-12-14 Thread Emily Rogalski
We ran into this issue frequently and found that it was resolved by using the revised recon -all script that alters the stage where control points are considered. Emily On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Jonathan Holt wrote: > OK will do... I'll upload both versions, before and after recon-all

[Freesurfer] Research Assistant Job: Northwestern Univ. Alzheimer's Disease Center (Chicago, IL)

2014-10-21 Thread Emily Rogalski
Research Study Assistant job available at Northwestern University’s Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, IL. The research assistant will be responsible for analysis of neuroimaging datasets, in order to contribute to neuroscientific studies of normal aging and pathologi

Re: [Freesurfer] Postdoctoral Fellowship

2011-11-22 Thread Emily Rogalski
*POSTDOCTORAL TRAINEE POSITION AVAILABLE –* *APPLICATION DEADLINE 28 NOVEMBER 2011* Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity in the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. The trainee will work with Drs. Emily Rogalski and Marsel

[Freesurfer] fsaverage documentation

2012-03-21 Thread Emily Rogalski
Hi All, I was looking for documentation on the fsaverage brain but I do not have permission to access the *Buckner40page for notes on building fsaverage*. http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Buckner40 Has the information on this page been re

[Freesurfer] Displaying results from qdec on a single subject

2012-03-22 Thread Emily Rogalski
Hi All, Is it possible to resample a .sig file from a group thickness analysis in qdec so that the results could be displayed on a single subject's anatomy rather than the fsaverage anatomy in tksurfer? Thanks, Emily -- Emily J Rogalski, PhD Assistant Research Professor Northwestern University

Re: [Freesurfer] Stylus Input for Cortical Edits

2012-04-04 Thread Emily Rogalski
We have found Wacom tablets are excellent for editing. On Apr 4, 2012 4:40 PM, "Jeff Stout" wrote: > Hi All, > > We have a large number of subjects that need minor edits (orbital frontal > cortex/eye issues subcortical parcellation etc.). To speed up the process > I was wondering if a stylus inp

[Freesurfer] Creating a Mask or ROI

2010-01-26 Thread Emily Rogalski
Hello Group, We would like to create an ROI label in qdec and then run a correlation analysis with another factor to determine the relationship between thinning in the ROI and the measure of interest. Instead of looking at a single value from the ROI we want to look at the correlation across each

[Freesurfer] FDR Advice

2010-01-26 Thread Emily Rogalski
We are working with a group of patients that have a focal neurdegenerative dementia that targets the left hemisphere language network. Using FreeSurfer were are able to locate a significant cortical thinning predominantly located within the left hemisphere language regions. We are interested in cor

[Freesurfer] Power Analysis

2011-03-22 Thread Emily Rogalski
How would you complete a power analysis for a whole brain group comparison qdec analysis? Thanks, Emily -- Emily J Rogalski, PhD Assistant Research Professor Northwestern University Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center (CNADC) 320 E Superior Street Searle Building 11th Floor Chic

[Freesurfer] single subject versus a group map in qdec

2011-03-23 Thread Emily Rogalski
Using q dec we have run a single patient versus a group of healthy control subjects (n=20ish) and found significant differences even after FDR correction. Could you describe the process qdec uses to compute these differences? Is it legitimate to report these single subject maps? Practically this i

Re: [Freesurfer] effect size for cortical thickness changes

2011-04-07 Thread Emily Rogalski
Can you provide the full reference for the Kuperberg article? On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Lena Palaniyappan < lena.palaniyap...@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote: > Hi Ri > > Have a look at Gina Kuperberg’s paper on cortical thickness in > schizophrenia – she reports effect sizes > > Hope the rest is