Research Study Assistant job available at Northwestern University’s
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, IL.

The research assistant will be responsible for analysis of neuroimaging
datasets, in order to contribute to neuroscientific studies of normal aging
and pathological aging. Duties include coordinating PET and MRI scans, and
analyzing the resultant structural and functional imaging data. The RA may
have the opportunity to administer and score neuropsychological tests.
Additional duties include working on graphics for manuscripts and grants or
other general lab responsibilities.

            Candidates must have proficiency with computer programming,
ideally with relevant technical languages such as MATLAB or Python. They
must be willing to learn new MRI analysis software and troubleshoot
problems independently. Prior experience with neuroimaging analysis suites
such as Freesurfer, FSL, or SPM would be extremely useful. Relevant
backgrounds would be in Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Computer
Science, Mathematics, and Biomedical Engineering.

*Minimum Qualifications: *

   - The candidate must hold a Bachelor degree.
   - Candidate must be fluent in at least one programming language.
   - A two-year commitment is requested.

*Preferred Qualifications: *

   - Experience using Freesurfer or other neuroimaging platforms.

Job ID: 25712
Research Study Assistant
Northwestern University
Chicago Campus

To access the job posting and/or apply for the job click on the link below:

If you have specific questions please email:

To learn more about our center please go to:

Emily J Rogalski, PhD
Associate Professor
Northwestern University
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center (CNADC)
320 E Superior Street
Searle Building 11th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611
312-503-1155 phone
312-908-8789 fax
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