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Hi freesurfer experts,
I have some cases where sulci near the occipital pole are reflected in the
wm.mgz, but are filled in the white surface.
Attached is a capture showing the sulcus near the image center, where the
crosshairs are located.
Might th
z filled in lh.white
* External Email - Caution *
It is possible. Try running defect-seg to see where the defects are. Run it
with --help to get more info
On 5/13/2021 2:20 PM, Dierker, Donna wrote:
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External Email - Use Caution
Hi freesurfer experts,
I h
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This happens to me when I control-C in the terminal to quit freeview, instead
of clicking the X in the upper right corner.
Doing this works for me:
rm -rf ~/.config/Massachusetts?General?Hospital
But this would blow away settings for other apps yo
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-i needs to be followed by the input volume
Move /home/lirh717c/Desktop/V5LGN/sub-08-ses-01_T1w.nii.gz right after -i.
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
on behalf of Livia Ruehr
Sent: Friday, January 13,
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Hi Doug,
Understood, but it is strange that we are seeing this only in the rh.
In 25 sessions (albeit a third fairly minor).
We are less concerned about thickness in this region than impact on subcortical
We realize this probably can’t be fi
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I haven’t seen anyone answer this on the list, but I hope someone replied
If this a human subject, you might be able to convert the freesurfer output to
something Connectome Workbench can read: