Hi all,
I figured I would have some luck tapping expertise on using optseq2 in
this mailing list. There are 8 trials times 8 conditions in an
event-related design. We are using a 1-back task just to keep
participants paying attention. Thus, we are not attempting to match the
number of 1-back-y
Hi all,
I posed a question back in November but got no replies, so I'll try to
restate it briefly:
Is there a means of enforcing at least one set of consecutive trials for
a condition in an optseq schedule (or even consecutive trials with an
intervening NULL event)?
I am trying to produce a s
I wanted to confirm whether spherical inflation generates meshes with
the same number of vertices across individuals? Or would you have to use
something like mri_surf2surf to map everyone's sphere to a template sphere?
Hi Justin,
This is quite similar to a question I had asked previously:
I believe the solution is to generate a 14000 vertex template, and then
appy mri_surf2surf to all 10 subjects, which will map the vertices of
all 10
Hello Freesurfers,
I was wondering if there is information embedded in the annotation/label
files that could be used to determine whether two labels represent
anatomically adjacent regions? For example, I have parcellated a bunch
of participants using connectomemapper into 1000 ROIs. I was just
I'm getting started with freesurfer. I've played around with some of
the tutorial data for fs-fast
(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsFastTutorialV5.1) and was
able to follow along and successfully carry out the preprocessing
exercises (which sufficed for my purposes), which a
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your help. To be sure of my preproc-sess line, I just ran
preproc-sess on my other participant:
preproc-sess -s sub00294 -fsd rest -per-run -surface self lhrh -mni305 -fwhm 0
Here's the error output from where it goes south:
Tue Nov 6 16:32:30 CST 2012
mc-sess completed S
Hello all,
I've posted this question on the cmtk-users google group as well. In
that forum there was an author who had been working on applying the
Lausanne 2008 parcellation scheme to a functional data analysis. After
running the connectomemapper toolkit to subdivide the Freesurfer
Hi all. I have a question regarding the use of freesurfer + fs-fast
preprocessing to apply the Lausanne 2008 parcellation scheme to some
structural data, and then extract from those ~1000 ROIs the average time
series from a 4D resting state functional run.
I'm posting what I have carried out s
Thanks, Doug
That was quite helpful, and I have just extracted the mean timeseries from one
of my parcellations. I just wanted to note a discrepancy between the
mri_segstats output and what is indicated in the mri_segstats --help output.
According to the program help:
--avgwf textfile
I'm working with raw timeseries waveform data from a resting state
dataset. There's one run per participant, so no between-run
normalization is required. With Doug's help, I have mastered extracting
the timeseries information from individual ROIs in surface space. The
timeseries data is the pro
I have a question regarding the yhat.mgh file generated from some
resting-state functional data after running:
mri_glmfit --y fmcpr.siemens.sm0.self.?h.nii.gz --glmdir $dest_dirname
--qa --save-yhat
I had assumed that the yhat file was the detrended data, but after
plotting it in matlab
Hello all,
I posted this question on the cmtk users google group, but no takers,
and perhaps this is the more appropriate venue anyways.
I've been successfully using cmtk within iPython. After running
connectomemapper parcellate() to get the Lausanne parcellation scheme, I
get six .annot fil
This is on FS 5.1.0 stable. The error seems linux box independent. Please
let me know if you need further info. Thanks!
Chris McNorgan
Postdoctoral Researcher
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
DCNL Lab: http://t
Hi all,
I posted this back in January, and got a direct email reply from
someone on the mailing list, who gave me a helpful tip, but it
doesn't seem to be working out quite right.
The problem: I have 3 .annot files per hemisphere, each based on the
s if I
go with the standard configurations, or if I should press to get an
nVidia card certified for the system.
Chris McNorgan
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University at Buffalo
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