
  I'm getting started with freesurfer. I've played around with some of 
the tutorial data for fs-fast
(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsFastTutorialV5.1) and was 
able to follow along and successfully carry out the preprocessing 
exercises (which sufficed for my purposes), which also included running 
register-sess on the "rest" tutorial data for sess01.

I've run into a few gotchas with some resting state data, and wanted to 
know if there are any problems specific to processing resting state data 
that can be easily avoided?

For example, here's the file structure:
Project root:

Anatomical data root ($SUBJECTS_DIR):

Functional data root ($FUNCTIONALS_DIR):

Subject 1 anatomical directory:
(already run through recon-all)

Subject 1 functional directory:
      subjectname ("sub00156")
     and a nii file in a nested subdirectory: 
Where f.nii.gz is some resting state data (hence no paradigm files)

For my inaugural attempt, I've run anatomical data for a participant 
through recon-all, and was having problems registering 
$FUNCTIONALS_DIR/sub00156/rest/001/f.nii.gz to the surface map in 
$SUBJECTS_DIR/sub00156. After some trial and error and wandering through 
this mailing list, I found I had to first run mktemplate-sess and then 
register-sess (the fs-fast tutorial lead me to believe everything was 
automatically handled by preproc-sess). Are these deviations a 
foreseeable consequence of working with resting state data? Is there 
some documentation of important considerations for working with resting 
state data?

Thanks for any help,

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