I have the data from one of our collaborators. They are dicom files,
and they are collected from GE. I try to use mri_convert to convert the files
from dicom to nifti. However, the following error shows up.
mri_convert 1.2.840.113619.2.135.2025.3762570.5144.1309404440.95.dcm
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have a general question regarding data
analysis. Our group has collected data from patients with OA, some of them
received treatment on their left leg, some of them on their right leg. We would
like to flip the brain for the people t
Dear freesurfer experts,
I have a question regarding how to
incorporating bbregister coregistered mean image into the SPM batch.
After realignment step, I convert the mean functional image from the analyze
format to nii format (to avoid flipping brain using b
> Also note that if you are using SPM8, make sure to added --spm-nii or
> else you will get LR reversals.
> doug
> On 02/28/2013 04:24 PM, Chen, Xiaoyan wrote:
>> Dear freesurfer experts,
>> I have a question regarding how
If I want to use epi_reg, what do I need to do for the environment in fsl? It
says that it's not recognizing the function bbr. How do find the path to BBR in
Thank you very much.
Freesurfer mailing list
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 2:22 PM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] set path for BBR
what is epi_reg? Is that an FS program?
On 03/01/2013 02:19 PM, Chen, Xiaoyan wrote:
> Hi,
> If I want to use epi_reg, what do I need to do for the enviro
their own!). You'll need to ask them about it. I'll cc
>> MJ so he can chime in.
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Fri, 1 Mar 2013, Chen, Xiaoyan wrote:
>>> Doug,
>>> epi_reg is using BBregister with F