Dear All,
Can I co-register SWI with FLAIR images using Freesurfer?
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Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroimaging (MRI)/Cognitive Aging
Cerebrovascular Laboratory
Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center of Dallas
Job Description
The applicant should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree. Exp
Dear all,
How does the freesurfer calculate the ICV? By adding up all the cortical and
sub-cortical volumes including WM and GM and CSF? If so does it also include
cerebellum and brain stem?
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Dear All,
After running recon-all, I noticed several subjects that sum of WM and GM is
bigger than ICV. I have re-run these subjects and the results is the same sum
of GM and WM is coming out to be bigger than ICV.
Any suggestions? I need to calculate normalized volumes.
The inf
Well, I am using version 5.1.0. I have had same issue in fewer subjects when I
used the older version as well. Any comments about that?
-Original Message-
From: Bruce Fischl []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Ayaz, Muhammad
Cc: freesurfer
Dear All,
I acquired the images using Phillips scanner. I converted the images from par
into analyze using MRIcro. I noticed that images were flipped when I view them
in the axial plane, i.e. when I look at the images on the computer screen the
Right hemisphere (where we tapped the fish oil tab
. Should I use par images to transform
them into dicom on scanner or is there any other way to do it?.
-Original Message-
From: Bruce Fischl []
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:10 PM
To: Ayaz, Muhammad
Cc: 'freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvar
ugust 11, 2011 2:23 PM
To: Ayaz, Muhammad
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: [Freesurfer] recon-all and corrected hemispheres
Hi Ayaz
the big difference is that once you convert to analyze you will never be
sure which side of the image is anatomically on the left and w
Dear All,
I am new to freesurfer DTI analysis. Can anybody explain what is the advantage
of using freesurfer for DTI analysis over DTI studio?
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Dear All,
I used the following command line to extract the volumes from Stats file.
asegstats2table --subjects sub1 sub2... --stats wmparc.stats --tablefile
?h.CorticalWhiteMatterVol generated using the above command does not match the
volume which I calculated by adding al
(actually, there is some partial volume correction too), so the values will not
add up perfectly.
On 4/2/12 9:22 AM, Ayaz, Muhammad wrote:
Dear All,
I used the following command line to extract the volumes from Stats file.
asegstats2table --subjects sub1 sub2... --stats wmparc.stats
Dear All,
I ran recon-all using single MPRAGE data set. Processing exited with an error
pasted below indicating there is not fsaverage.
#@# BA Labels lh Fri May 27 21:47:56 CDT 2011
INFO: fsaverage subject does not exist in SUBJECTS_DIR
INFO: Creating symlink to fsaverage subject...
: Bruce Fischl []
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 8:48 AM
To: Ayaz, Muhammad
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] fsaverage error with recon-all
Hi Ayaz
you need to create a symlink to the fsaverage subject we distribute in
your SUBJE
Dear All,
After running recon-all I noticed wmparc.mgz only contains wm volume and there
is no ctx volume and subcortical volumes.
Recon-all finished without any error.
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for the use of the individual or
Dear All,
After running recon-all I noticed wmparc.stats only contains wm volume and
there is no ctx volume and subcortical volumes.
Recon-all finished without any error.
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for the use of the individu
Dear All,
I have T1 images single scan from Phillips 3T. Images quality looks good. Since
we use 8 channel should I be collecting 2 data set to average or single data
will be sufficient?
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