External Email - Use Caution
Does FreeSurfer have an option for calculating gray matter density during
recon-all, or does one need to calculate it manually? In that case, what is
the formula?
The reason I would like to compute density is to replicate the effects show
in th
I got the following error when trying to run recon-all on an MP-RAGE
T1-weighted image:
Fri Apr 10 16:25:01 EDT 2009
talairach_avi done
\n cp transforms/talairach.auto.xfm transforms/talairach.xfm \n
#...@# Talairach Failure Detection Fri Apr 10 1
I am running Freesurfer on a Mac OS X 10.5 computer with a 2x2.8 GHz
Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor. My question is, are there any subcommands
to run recon-all assigning the processors to different jobs? Or is the
speed of recon-all just dependent on pure processing power, no more?
We are operating x86_64 redhat linux on a server, and we recently installed
FreeSurfer on the surfer to help with running multiple recon-all's.
However, whenever I attempt to run tkmedit or tksurfer, I get the following
[and...@scan2 Anatomicals]$ tkmedit Focus_reg_009 brainmask.mgz
Hi again,
I have been encountering an error when attempting to use either tksurfer or
tkmedit via VNC on a local server. Here is the output whenever I type
tkmedit or tksurfer:
GLUT: Fatal Error in tkmedit.bin: OpenGL GLX extension not supported by
display: 1.0
I looked through the threads rega
I recently ran a batch file on several subjects, but set a time limit which
prevented some of them from finishing all the steps of recon-all. In the
recon-all-status.log for some of them, the last line is "WMParc". I was
unable to find which option of recon-all would do only this step; sh
I recently installed FreeSurfer on one of my laptops running Ubuntu and get
the following error when I attempt to run tkmedit:
Exec format error. Binary file not executable.
I thought I remembered something about setting a soft link for one of the
libraries in Ubuntu. Am I on the right
I recently ran a batch file which seemed to run fine for nearly all the
participants. Yet, when I did an asegstats2table command on all the
subjects, I received the following error for three of them:
WARNING: cannot find
I am running FreeSurfer version 4.3, and when I type 'asegstats2table' I get
a "command not found" error. I have my path set correctly (virtually all of
the other commands in the freesurfer/bin directory work), but for some
reason both asegstats2table and aparcstats2table do not. Any ideas?
> Krish
> On Oct 26, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Andrew Jahn wrote:
> Hi,
>> I am running FreeSurfer version 4.3, and when I type 'asegstats2table' I
>> get a "command not found" error. I have my path set correctly (virtually
e time it
> is.. if you don't have, change that line to the path of the executable --
> like #!/opt/local/bin/python )
> The next release will fix this.
> Thanks
> Krish
> On Oct 26, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Andrew Jahn wrote:
> Here is the outpu
Hi all,
I am interested in using Freesurfer to project volume data onto the inflated
brains run through the FS pipeline. I am using SPM and have been able to
project 1st level con and spmT images onto the corresponding subject's
inflated anatomical.
My question is, if I wanted to look at 2nd lev
Hi FreeSurfer experts,
I was wondering whether you are able to use parametric modulators during
FS-FAST. All I can see from the mkanalysis-sess gui is setting up
contrasts, but I would also like to see how other parameters affect the size
and shape of the bold response. Is there any way to do th
to change? Eg, delay or dispersion of
> the HRF?
> doug
> Andrew Jahn wrote:
>> Hi FreeSurfer experts,
>> I was wondering whether you are able to use parametric modulators during
>> FS-FAST. All I can see from the mkanalysis-sess gui is setting up
I just downloaded and installed Freesurfer onto a new computer, and after
going through all the steps outlined on the download and installation page,
I get the following error when trying to run recon-all:
sudo recon-all -s bert -all
FREESURFER_HOME: Undefined variable.
However, I have s
I have second-level results in .img/.hdr format that I have just run through
SPM. I was wondering whether there is a way to visualize these results onto
a template FreeSurfer surface model in MNI space. Is this possible, or can
you only visualize second-levels which have been processed th
External Email - Use Caution
I have a raw anatomical image called raw.mgz, which I have manually
annotated using Freeview; the resulting annotations are saved in a file
called seg.mgz. I want to compare this to the annotations automatically
generated by recon-all, so I ran
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