[Freesurfer] Spiky Brains

2024-12-12 Thread Bos, M.G.N. (Marieke)
External Email - Use Caution Hello FreeSurfer Developers, We are completing quality control in FreeView of two longitudinal datasets (participants age: 9-25) and have noticed that in one dataset the brains look much more 'spiky' than in the other dataset. More than half of the b

Re: [Freesurfer] Spiky Brains

2024-12-12 Thread Douglas N. Greve
This sometimes happens with noisy data. The difference in SNR between those two scans is a factor of 2. What is your recon-all command line? Can you send pics of the brain image with the surface overlaid on a slice with one of the spikes? What does the white surface look like in those regions?

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer v8.0.0 error

2024-12-12 Thread Douglas N. Greve
I think this is the bug where you need to set the environment variable  FS_ALLOW_DEEP to 1, eg,  export  FS_ALLOW_DEEP=1 or  setenv FS_ALLOW_DEEP 1 Try that and then rerun On 12/11/2024 12:14 PM, Huang, Yujing wrote: Can you add those options as shown in the output ‘-fix-ento-wm -transfer-bas

[Freesurfer] synthmorph for functional registration?

2024-12-12 Thread Josh
External Email - Use Caution bbregister is known to be really could at registering functionals to T1w image. I am curious as to whether synthmorph performs close to bbregister or not when registering epi to the structural. ___ Freesurfer