For what it’s worth, we moved to Beta version 8 and after setting export
FS_ALLOW_DEEP=1 it seems to be running fine now. Noah is running it now and it
will take several hours to finish before we know if it works 100% for what they
want. I installed it the exact same way I did 7.4.1; short of a
Thank you for the response!
Below is the command line I used:
mri_vol2surf --srcsubject Tract_HC_001_07222016 --hemi lh --projopt
--projfrac 0 --surf white --srcreg
External Email - Use Caution
With the .deb and .rpm installers on Linux, you can optionally apt/yum remove
freesurfer to delete the old release prior to installing a new release. A
new release will be installed in a subdirectory named after the (different)
release version so th
External Email - Use Caution
Thanks -- how much additional processing would the norm.mgz images have
gone through in the longitudinal pipeline compared to base ? It seems they
are all in the SST space which leads me to think there is at least
additional interpolation -- but are the