sorry, not sure what you mean. do you mean you want to extract, say, two
labels (amygdala and hippocampus) into a single volume file? If so, you
can run something like
mri_binarize --i aseg.mgz --match 17 18 --o amyg-hippo.lh.mask.mgz
mri_mask aseg.mgz amyg-hippo.lh.mask.mgz amyg-hippo.lh.mgz
Hi Freesurfers,
I was wondering if there is a registration matrix (from volumetric to surface)
for MNI152NLIN2009cAsym template. I was not able to find any (relevant) dat
files in $FREESURFER_HOME/average/. I have some data in that space and would
like to map them on the surface for visualizati
Hi Jakob,
I believe we fixed the bug in FS 7.4 release. Can you give it a try?
On Behalf Of Litsch, Jakob Benjamin
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 10:40 AM
Subject: [Freesurfer] Segmentation error w
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Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I'm building a docker file with freesurfer and matlab run time. May I know if
freesurfer 7.3.1 should be compatible with matlab run time 2019b?
If so, what else can I make the environment setting correct in order to run
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Hi FreeSurfer community,
I am trying to map subject-specific cortical thickness map to standard
fsaverage space and I ran the following command where sub1_filled is my
individual subject in native:
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject sub1_filled --srcsurfreg t
I think you need to specify ‘--src_type curv’ and ‘--trg_type curv’ to read
thickness files.
It looks like you passed ‘thickness’ to the wrong flag. Use ‘—srcsurfval’ and
‘—trgsurfval’ instead.
Here is wiki help page -
>From what I understand, copies 'imagedump.mgz' from
>$FREESURFER_HOME/average/BrainstemSS/atlas/AtlasDump.mgz. it then tries to
>replace it with the image generated by mri_robust_register. All these happen
>in Matlab using system(cp), and system(mv). So, I think "mode 0444
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I have a dataset consisting of individuals scanned at two time points 7 years
apart. At the first time point, a single MPRAGE scan was collected for each
individual; at the second, the same MPRAGE scan was collected, as well as an
additional set of
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I am to generate a plot to visualize the slopes between classes for group
I would like to generate something similar to this freesurfer post:
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I believe the assumption is the freesurfer 7.3.1 distribution has already
been installed (under /usr/local/freesurfer/7.3.1 by the *.deb or *.rpm
linux installer file) and that FREESURFER_HOME is set in the
environment (/usr/local/freesurfer/7.3.
10 matches
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