External Email - Use Caution Hi FreeSurfer community,
I am trying to map subject-specific cortical thickness map to standard fsaverage space and I ran the following command where sub1_filled is my individual subject in native: mri_surf2surf --srcsubject sub1_filled --srcsurfreg thickness --trgsubject fsaverage --trgsurfreg thickness --hemi lh --sval sub1/surf/lh.thickness --tval fsaverage/surf/lh.thickness After I run the above command, I am getting the following output and error. I am not sure how to resolve this and whether there is something wrong with my command line or with the data. I would greatly appreciate any help. Source registration surface changed to thickness Target registration surface changed to thickness 7.4.1 setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/sbajaj/FS_Projects/ cd /Users/sbajaj/FS_Projects mri_surf2surf --srcsubject sub1_filled --srcsurfreg thickness --trgsubject fsav1 --trgsurfreg thickness --hemi lh --sval sub1/surf/lh.thickness --tval fsav1/surf/lh.thickness sysname Darwin hostname MDACM0CL9004107 machine x86_64 user sbajaj srcsubject = sub1_filled srcval = sub1/surf/lh.thickness srctype = trgsubject = fsav1 trgval = fsav1/surf/lh.thickness trgtype = srcsurfreg = thickness trgsurfreg = thickness srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /Users/sbajaj/FS_Projects//sub1_filled/surf/lh.thickness nquads=4456450, nvertices=341 error: ERROR: MRISread: file '/Users/sbajaj/FS_Projects//sub1_filled/surf/lh.thickness' has many more faces than vertices! Probably trying to use a scalar data file as a surface!
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