Your ‘recon-all -autorecon2-wm -autorecon3’ finished without errors.
‘unknown-args.txt’ is created to filter out arguments not in recon-config.yaml.
It doesn’t mean those flags are not recognized.
I don’t know why new surfaces are not created after your editing of wm.mgz. Can
you re-send your c
External Email - Use CautionDear Dr. Greve,I trust this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on the inquiry I posted to the FreeSurfer mailing list a while back regarding "About Mean LGI value" as below.I understand you are busy, and I appreciate your dedication to the comm
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer developers,
Our research group used the FreeSurfer's recon-all tool to reconstruct 74
anatomical images from cognitively healthy older individuals and parcellate the
cortex based on the Desikan-Killiany atlas.
However, we are running
Hi Kei,
Here is my calculation:
198 aparc.a2005s+aseg.mgz
192 aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz
114 aparc+aseg.mgz
I can't find aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.mgz in Freesurfer distribution directory. Is
it the same as aparc+aseg.mgz?
On Behalf Of K
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Hello Freesurfer Developers
I'm attempting to apply preprocess and segment to my data that consist of
24 subjects by recon-all syntax, as described on the FreeSurfer wiki on
macOs software
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Hi, Yujing
Thank you for reply.
It is likely that the version of freesurfer is different.
The latest version (7.4.1) output results based on three atlases.
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Hi Yujing,
thank you for your help! But I think, this is only the affine registration?
Is it possible that I can use the same transformation, by which e.g.
aseg.mgz-atlas is transformed into the native space of a given subject?
The volume-dataset of the
NaNs are in your original input image. They are replaced with 0 in the output
Doug mentioned “Sometimes SPM will put NaNs in the image to indicate a mask.”.
Is that your case?
On Behalf Of Carlos Alcocer
Sent: Tuesday, Nov
Is MRS_201_MT_tfl_stripped.mgz correctly oriented when you view it in
freeview? Also, bbr is meant to be used for within subject registration.
For something like registering to the mni152, try mri_coreg and specify
--dof 12
On 11/20/2023 10:00 AM, Spapens, Jeltje (NP) wrote:
yes, it is the same contrast
On 11/20/2023 3:30 PM, Laura Willers de Souza wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Great, thanks so much!
But I am having difficulty understanding how to construct the contrast
to answer the following question "Is the interaction between group
(CU/CI) and
Do you see the same thing in the source BA data (in fsaverage)?
On 11/21/2023 10:22 AM, Marawi, Tulip wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer developers,
Our research group used the FreeSurfer’s recon-all tool to reconstruct
74 anatomical images from cognitively healthy o
I see now that recon-all produces
Just to clarify, my calculation is based on fsaverage/mri/aparc*.mgz
On Behalf Of Kei Nishimaki
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Free
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Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I would like to inquire if there is a FreeSurfer command that allows me to
measure the distance (in voxels or mm) between a lesion mask (output of
samseg) and the closest voxels in the ribbon after applying "recon-all" to
T1 ima
1. NIFTI files for your subjects are 1.nii, 2.nii, …, 300.nii
2. To name the subjects as sub1, sub2, …, sub300
In bash shell, you can do the batch submission as following at prompt:
for i in {1..300}; \
do \
echo “recon-all -all -s sub${i} -i ${i}.nii” \
recon-all -all -s sub${i} -
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
Hi. Hoping someone can give me some guidance in how to proceed with this error
in recon-all (at the moment, was running autorecon-wm, but not sure that's
relevant). Just pasting the last few commands which were successfully r
15 matches
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