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Dear FreeSurfer developers,

Our research group used the FreeSurfer's recon-all tool to reconstruct 74 
anatomical images from cognitively healthy older individuals and parcellate the 
cortex based on the Desikan-Killiany atlas.
However, we are running into a consistent issue with the perirhinal volumes on 
the annot stats from BA_exvivo_thresh.stats, where there is a large discrepancy 
between the left and right hemispheres (larger left hemisphere).
Upon visual and numerical investigation, it appears that this could be due to 
mis-labelling the right perirhinal vertices as entorhinal, resulting in an 
unusually small right perirhinal cortex, and unusually large right entorhinal 
Could you please clarify why this could be happening, and advise on next steps?
We have used FreeSurfer 7.1 for this analysis.

Tulip Marawi

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