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Dear Experts,
How can I extract scalp, skull, csf, gray, and white volume, seperately.
Best wishes,Yichuan Jiang___
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Hi Martin,
I ran longitudinal pipeline on all time points so I have one template. For
the GLM approach I first calculated pc1 for baselineVs placebo (either day1
or day2) and got the lh(rh).bl-pl.thickness-pc1.fwhm10.mgh then calculated
pc1 for bl vs dr
You can use the --pvr (per-vertex regressor) option in mri_glmfit. But
if you are testing for a difference between groups, there is no valid
way to do correction for multiple comparisons. Look through the archives
as I have explained how to do it several times through the years.
On 1/26/2023 6
Just guessing here, but it looks like it is reading in 2x the number of
voxels than expected, so maybe it is a "double" image instead of a
"float"? If so, can you convert it to float to see if it works?
On 1/27/2023 2:09 AM, Siamak Sorooshyari wrote:
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You can manually edit them to restore the parts that have been stripped
(using the clone feature in freeview). See
On 1/27/2023 5:21 AM, Rakshathi Basavaraju wrote:
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Dear FS,
A f
didn't I answer this last week?
On 1/27/2023 8:52 PM, David wrote:
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Hi Freesurfer experts,
I'm very sorry to bother you, but I am very confused with the
following questions:
My experimental design includes two discrete factors:
with three l
Pass your mask to recon-all with -xmask
On 1/30/2023 1:13 AM, Boa Sorte Silva, Narlon wrote:
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Hi there,
I just wanted to follow-up on this.
Nárlon Cássio
*Nárlon Cássio Boa Sorte Silva* PhD (He, Him, His)
CIHR and MSHR BC/PARF Postdoctoral Resear
You will have to run from the beginning. Make sure to include your
watershed parameters on the command lie.
On 1/30/2023 4:03 AM, Rakshathi Basavaraju wrote:
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Dear FS people,
A few of my brains were excessively skull stripped and I used
watershedding to c
I think it will but I don't have a reference
On 1/30/2023 10:22 AM, Lee, Sang Hoon wrote:
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I understand that from Version 7.0, better high resolution surface
reconstruction with -hires is done.
My question is, if we use higher resolution T1, such as 0.8mm
In my experience, the issues that Matt is describing are mostly unique
to the HCP data, but I have not tried it on much other hires data.
On 1/30/2023 1:54 PM, Glasser, Matt wrote:
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Issues with surface placement in harder areas (e.g., white matter
everything except skull and scalp are in the aseg.stats file. You can
get skull by running samseg, eg,
cd subject/mri
samseg --i orig.mgz --o samseg
there will be a stats file in the samseg folder with skull volume in it
On 2/1/2023 5:00 AM, 江一川(JIANG Yichuan) wrote:
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Hi Douglas,
Thank you for your reply. I'm a beginner in freesurfer and my previous
statement was not very clear. My purpose is to generate new .mgz files (e.g.,
scalp.mgz and CSF.mgz, etc.) that are not in the MRI folder.
Bset regards,
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Dear list,
I would like to find a reasonably good mapping from Desiken-Killiani ROIs and
as many of the resting state networks as makes sense, e.g. salience, visual,
I have made a start using the network <> ROI mapping in the Conn Toolbox
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I would like to request passcode for FS_7_2_0_Ubuntu_18_04_06.ova.7z
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